Count on me 6

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(Note: this chapter will be hecks sad... but please keep reading! X3.)

Lady Palutena Helped me fly back to the little village she stayed at and I landed right next to the tree we both sat next to,writing the song.My smile slowly faded. Something didn't feel was too quiet. I took off twords the village quickly , not really careing if I was seen or not.

"(Y/N)? Oh (Y/N)!" I called out, nothing...All of the houses were dark, and there was a deathly silence, I took off sprinting to her house, and I flung the door open, seeing it was just as quiet and empty. The furniture was turned over and strung all across the room, and my heart started to race "No...(Y/N)! Are you here?!" I took off running through the house, throwing doors open and calling her name.

When I made it to the last room of the house, I quickly opened the door. I saw her, and I ran over quickly.

She was laying on the floor blood pooled around her body.I fell to my knees next to her and sat her up.

"(Y/N)! Please be okay, please!" I cried as tears filled my eyes.

She was limp. She didn't move or make any noise and she was sickly cold

"Oh (Y/N), I'm sorry I didn't come sooner.." I cried, letting my tears fall freely.

'I'm sorry Pit.'

I heard lady Palutena's voice and I looked up.

"I-It's not fair to her , Lady Palutena! She didn't deserve all..." I whimpered, hugging her lifeless body.

'I know Pit...This sort of thing happens. You can't make friends with humans, they die...I'm really sorry Pit...' Palutena's words hurt, yes, but I knew they were all true.

I stayed with her, just hugging her and crying for nearly an hour. When I finally stopped crying, the sun had set and I glanced out of her window, I saw her book laying on the ground, and I gently laid her down and I picked it up.I couldn't read it, since it was already so dark, so I tucked it behind my belt and tightened to make sure it wouldn't fall, and I picked her up again and took off.

I carried her body to the tree, where we had both met and I took back off to the village and grabbed a shovel. I started to dig, and didn't stop until it was deep enough.

By that time, the sun started to come up, casting a beautiful orange glow across the fields.

I climbed out pf the hole, wiping my hands off on my tunic. I didn't want to get her body dirty...

I looked to her. I didn't have a coffin or anything. But I didn't want to put her into the dirt like that. I took off to her house again and grabbed the most beautiful blanket I could find and I wrapped her up in it, sitting her into the hole gently.

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