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Just to make it clear. When the text is in italics, it is the characters' thoughts.


Anueng was trying her best; she really was. But her restraint had limits... low limits.

After their emotional exchange at the amusement park, Anueng's relationship with the beautiful Khun Nueng had taken a turn. The older woman was now less in denial about their dynamics, though still stubborn. Together, they had convinced Piengfah not to send Anueng to a place she had never been before, with people she had just barely met. Piengfah, though reluctant, was understanding. She allowed her daughter to finish her studies here, on the condition that Khun Nueng herself would tutor Anueng in this final leg of her journey to college.

So, they studied together at least five days a week in the older woman's apartment. Anueng was really trying to study, so as not to give her family reasons to send her away. But it didn't mean that understanding how to calculate the math problems was the only thing on her mind right now, with Khun Nueng inclined beside her on the ground, watching her answer the questions.

Their relationship was more two-sided now. The older woman didn't decline Anueng outright when she hugged her or clung to her side anymore, nor did she confront her when being courted fiercely. But Anueng wanted more, needed more; all the possibilities of their new closeness were driving her crazy.

"This is correct," the older woman said as she finished. Anueng looked at her loved one smiling and couldn't help but admire Khun Nueng's profile. She has such a nice face, and hair, and jawline, and her mouth is so... "But I don't like the time you're taking to finish. Eight minutes is too much; we have to work on that."

"Ar-Nuuueng... give me a break. I can't seem to win with you," she whined, pouting cutely. The older woman looked into her eyes, and time seemed to slow down. The hair that was usually tight in a perfect half-bun now cascaded freely, framing her gorgeous face. Anueng was living for the gleams of domestic and comfy Khun Nueng that only she had the privilege to see. She smells so good; if she comes a little closer, I could totally...

"Don't sulk, bunny. I'm serious. You have an average of three minutes for each question, and you are taking one minute more than that to finish. Did you forget that if you don't pass, you are going to live with your mom? Not to mention that my name is on the line too, and M.L. Sippakorn doesn't fail."

"Uuuh, Ar-Nueng is so scared of being apart from me. You don't have to make excuses."

"I'm not. You have to get better."

"But I'm trying!" She replies petulantly and then gets an idea. "You know what would definitely encourage me to get better?" The younger one says with a poorly hidden smile on her lips, stretching her back and neck to be able to get closer to the other woman.

"...What?" Khun Nueng asks slowly, already knowing this is a scheme. She is getting pretty familiar with the little queues and trantun that Anueng throws just to woo her, she can see the mischievous look in the girl's face and knows it is going to be something...

"Rewards, of course. This is boring and you as my tutor should motivate me more"

"Motivate you, uh?" She laughs softly at the little one. "And what type of rewards do you have in mind?"

Anueng looks up the other way as if in thought, tapping her finger in the lips before looking back, catching just a glimpse of the older one looking at her lips.

"If I finish the questions in time... you could let me kiss you!" she says slyly.

"Hmm. Sure, you can kiss me..." she says calmly watching the younger one's face lit up like a christmas tree. "... on the cheek."

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