Chapter 3

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Courtney's POV:

Spending time with Kimberly is always a blast. We do the usual routine of looking through the latest issue of whatever teen girl magazine, but since we haven't made the time yet to go back to the mall, we lay on our stomachs at the foot of my bed skimming through the older issues.

 "Ohh! I remember this one," Kimmy says as she holds up a People Weekly magazine for the both of us to see. I remembered it too. When we got it in late June when it first came out, we had nothing better to do at the time but just drive around in my car for hours on end. A hot sticky summer where all you could do was enjoy your time inside, a sun that required us to seek highly air-conditioned buildings and a lot of ice cream. So naturally we hid in the mall a lot. 

That wasn't something new for us through many summers, and years in fact we've done the same, the mall was our favorite place to be. We always take over the photo both taking as many pictures as money could buy, the free ice cream we'd get every time by making whatever stupid boy get flustered by our mere presence, not to mention the stores at the mall made it the best place to be. 

It was those hot summers that had Kimberly's ice cream melt faster even if it was in an air-conditioned place like the mall, I noticed boys who would stare as the ice cream unknowingly gets past the cone and onto her hands making it sticky. Sometimes she'd get an amusing bit of ice cream either on or near her lip, that would make everybody stare in awe...

"Yea, I love Paula's music" I mumble trying to clear weird thoughts in my head. She nods her head taking in what I said and then diverts her attention back to the magazines holding one up at a time so we can both see. We lay there in our own little world, just the two of us talking about which boys we find attractive and guys who deserved Sexist Man Alive or those who didn't. After about an hour or so we are called for dinner.

Sitting at my family's table isn't something I'd do sober. I would have at least smoked some of my,  joint but I lost track of time and when you're called down to eat, you go immediately. It was my father's thing, meaning he must have made it home. 

My Father likes to have a family dinner, his strict about that. The whole family eating dinner no exceptions, except maybe Trevor, he doesn't really like him much. I think he's hasher on that rule for me and my mom, people he actually likes.

"How was your first-day girls?" My father loud intimidating voice can be heard from the far end of his table, his spot. My mother was on the opposite side, and Trevor, Kimberly, and I were in the middle of the table. Kim and I are on the same side of the table, of course, and Trevor by himself on his side.

"It was fun, Courtney and I have all the same classes together!" Kimberly beamed at my father, who sent a proud smile to the both of us. He was happy for us after all it was due to his and Kimmy's father's intimidation that got the people in charge of our schedules to be exactly the same. With that we dug in, not even bothering to ask either Trevor or his own wife how their day went. I think it was because I was his favorite. 

Trevor was my mother's favorite, so between bites, she asked him instead. My mother loved him. I'm pretty sure that's the only thing she's ever loved in her life. Trevor loved my mother the same way. They always had that bond since Trevor, even as a little kid would stick up for her when my dad was being violent. Even though he knew he would always lose, and my father treated him like a grown man in that aspect, resulting in many wounds... He'd always be there to take care of his mother and kiss her injuries. 

This is also why my brother was so buff, he was more muscular than most of the kids from our school. He wanted to make sure he could protect his mother, he also didn't want to keep losing to my dad. It worked out I guess, he wins more of the fights now.

"Grab seconds, Amanda made plenty!" my father says reaching for more of our pot roast. After he is done everyone takes turns reaching in and grabbing seconds for themselves. I feel my mother glaring at me when it could've been my turn. 

Looking at my half-eaten first plate, I wasn't very hungry anyway. I send her a glare back and take small bites of my own food. I focus my attention on Kimberly, carelessly enjoying her second helping. After tasting the pot roast she lets out a moan. That made me uncomfortable, a little weird but fine whatever. 

I don't think it was that good in the first place, to be honest. I awkwardly shift in my seat and ask a question.

"Will you spend the night here Kimmy?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"


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