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NOT EDITED. Prepare yourself for incorrect grammars and weird wordings.

It was the next day, where the boys and Cathy gathered in Josh's and Mark's living room. Everyone was doing their own thing, but judging by the deafening silence in the room, it was quite apparent that everyone was thinking about the situation that took place the night before.

Cathy harbored bitterness over how Christian had handled the situation, and she made it clear to him exactly how she felt. And so for the past half an hour, Cathy and Christian had been arguing nonstop. Christian tried to explain that the reason why he didn't tell Dani, was because he didn't know when was the right time. And Cathy would snapped back, asking whether informing Dani literally the day before the flight would a good idea. He then turned the blame towards Cathy for not telling Dani about their trip, saying he shouldn't be the one at fault in this situation. Cathy snapped telling that as her boyfriend who had been by Dani's side for months, it's his responsibility to break the news. Christian raised his voice, insisting that Cathy also had the responsibility to inform Dani, given their long history together growing up.

Cathy huffed angrily, realizing in that moment just how frustrating it was to communicate with Christian. No wonder Dani was confused about their relationship, with Christian always twisting her words. It infuriated her that Christian wouldn't take the blame, always finding reasons to accuse the other person, trying to portray himself as the victim.

Oh, and the worst part was? Cathy actually started to doubt herself, thinking that maybe Christian did have a point. That maybe they, Cathy and Christian, should've broke the news together.

Once again, Cathy wondered why she never brought up the conversation with Dani—it totally blew Cathy's mind. Going to Pelle's home had went from educational to a personal family visit ever since she dated him, this revelation had made Cathy both nervous and excited. Thus why it should have been a major news shared with Dani, and yet Cathy never did. She felt like screaming at her inner thoughts, completely frustrated at her brain for her forgetfulness.

Christian avoided eye contact as he explained that Dani was in a fragile place, he wasn't sure how to tell her, and eventually days turned into months. He told Cathy that he didn't want to hurt her. Cathy closed her eyes and crossed her arms, exhaling as she leaned back into the sofa—Cathy's mind raced with doubts about Christian's intentions. Was he really looking out for Dani's feelings, or just trying to shift blame? His care was very manipulative. If that even makes sense.

Eventually, Cathy gave up and decided to let the matter go. It had already happened anyway, it doesn't matter what different scenarios they thought they could've told her, Dani already found out in the worst possible way. Cathy hoped her cousin was doing alright—she tempted to text Dani but she didn't want to disturb her. Especially since both Christian and Dani left at around midnight, and it was currently around eight in the morning. The time doesn't really leave them a room for a catch up session—not that Cathy was eager to text, since Dani was on her way to visit them anyway.

The room was quiet once again. Christian was back leaning anxiously in his chair, checking his phone every few seconds. Josh was in his own world with the book he had in his hands. Mark was typing something on his laptop, manspreading with no care as his thigh was pressed next to Cathy's.

Cathy didn't really mind the physical contact, she had been friends with Mark for so long that it no longer fazed her. However, the constant scoffs coming out of him was what irritated Cathy. Every few movements Cathy or Pelle made towards each other, cue Mark's grunts. Cathy desperate wanted to confront him, but she was already tired from the screaming match she had with Christian. Besides, whatever petty resentment he had towards her was never made clear. All Cathy knew was that Mark does not support her relationship with Pelle. Why? He never made that known. So, she ignored him the same way he ignored her.

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