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NOT EDITED. Prepare yourself for grammar mistakes and weird wordings.

"Am I going to be okay?" Cathy whispered as she leaned against the kitchen countertops, stretching her neck to look up at him. The couple were getting ready to leave to the airport, but Cathy somehow had a bad feeling about the trip. "Will I be safe?" Cathy asked in a quiet voice.

Pelle searched Cathy's warm eyes, he softened when he realized she was nervous. He cupped her jaw with both hands, caressing her skin gently. "I will never let anything happen to you." He whispered, addressing her concern. Leaning down, he kissed her ever so softly. "I will kill anyone who harms or hurt you." Pelle mumbled against her lips.


The group had thankfully made it to the airport in time and they were currently in the air, on their way to their final destination (A/N: See what I did there). Cathy couldn't help but feel her heart raced. This trip had excited her for months, both educationally and personally. Visiting Pelle's community, with all its traditions and beliefs, was basically every anthropology student's dream. Cathy had only read about such things in articles and mythical stories, and now she would witness them in person. However, the thought of her fantasy becoming a possible reality made her anxious. Meeting his family added another layer to her nervousness, as it signified a next step in their relationship, making it more serious.

She had never been in a relationship like this. So full of adoration for her, and worshipping every moves she takes. The men she used to date were childish, always looking for her faults and never trying to understand her. They used to say she was fucked up, a psychopath in the making, whenever she passionately explained a disturbing myth she had read. They were scared of her, but Pelle never even looked at her the way her exes did. Maybe that's why she's so fascinated with him, he shares that with her. He understands her, if not, he still accepts her. And maybe, that's why she's falling for him so hard.

Cathy couldn't help but recalled what he said the night when Josh invited them to that party, how he jokingly whispered one of the reason why he's bringing her along was to marry her. A smile marred Cathy's lips, the thought of spending the rest of her life with Pelle doesn't scare her. Cathy glanced at the man sitting next to her on the plane, from his warm smile to her hand that was clasped within his—her heart warmed greatly.

What he said to her in the kitchen earlier in the day really stuck to her, saying how he would kill anyone who harms or even hurt her. The only reason why Cathy asked for assurance was because like she said before, the reality of her fantasy, or the articles she read for fun becoming a reality made her anxious. It sounds exciting but she knew it can be overwhelming. What he said actually brought comfort to her. In no way did Cathy find his words disturbing, she actually finds it hot—even hotter if he means every word he said. Though she couldn't help but wonder why he said such things, she wondered what was waiting in Sweden that requires him to protect her that he will kill. His community performs long—lived traditions and firm on strange beliefs but they're harmless, right? Aside from attestupa that is, but that's irrelevant because none of the group is near that age yet.

She's well aware such phrases were usually an expression of love, a sense of security—but with the way Pelle assured her earlier, she couldn't help but wonder if there's danger waiting for them, and if he'll actually kill if someone hurt her.

Cathy glanced at Pelle, the man who had been by her side these past months. The man who made her so happy that she forgot the whole world existed. Lifting her body slightly, she kissed his cheek affectionately before sitting back down. Pelle graced her with that smile that stole her heart, and in that moment Cathy knew she would do anything for him. He's her everything. She didn't care what he'll do, even if he'll actually kill someone. She'll still love him, heck she'd probably help bury the body. Pelle's all she had, he's her ride or die.

A/N: This is just a short part, a filler. Idk in my head I needed to write this part, for you guys to understand what Cathy actually felt for Pelle and the seriousness of their relationship..? especially the first two paragraphs, the one where cathy was asking pelle if she's gonna be alright, and pelle assured her he will not let anything happen to her—i feel like that's needed..? idk tbh. anyway, lemme know if there's any plothole.

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