Sour Mood of Meilin

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Okay well, the title says it all (I can't actually think of one) 🤌

Tw: Idk angst. If a fight is triggering 

< Nobody's POV > 

Rollan said her name slowly, cautiously. "Meilin..."

The other two heroes were silent. Conor nearly flinched into Abeke, knowing how easily the situation would escalate, and he was right. 

Meilin spun on her heels, whisper-screaming "what were you thinking?" at her boyfriend. Somewhere inside her, Meilin knew she didn't truly blame Rollan for what happened. He had good reason; the aggravation simply had more. 

"How is this my fault?" There was a quizzical look in Rollan's eyes. It wasn't though he tried to ruin the mission. At the last second, he saw the giant beast charging at Meilin in his peripheral. And she wasn't moving out of the way. 

His intention wasn't to throw Meilin off her game, not in the slightest. 

But she had a tendency to jump into action, relying merely on a test-theory basis. He accepted that as it was, since Rollan himself was irrational and impatient. The problem was Meilin found what she considered the rational and immediately sprung on the whim. There was no actual time for her to think of the repercussions. 

Rollan just wouldn't ever let her be a repercussion.

"I had it all laid out. You couldn't trust me enough to handle the situation, could you?" He sighed, knowing the backlash was soon to come. For the next 3 or so hours, Meilin would be pissed. And maybe rightly so. 

There was still time to fix what had been done though. His teammate did realize that, right?

The teen swallowed the part of him veering to a near flight or fight, silently choking out as it sliced into his throat. Rollan's whole life, he dealt with conflict one of two ways. With an immediate snark and joke or the need to walk away. If he didn't clap back, if he didn't subject himself to immediate defense or humor- Rollan felt powerless. Which let fear overcome his sense of logic, and the immediate response was to run. 

"I trust you to know a solution. You always do. But I don't trust you with your life when we have a problem, because I know better." Rollan did his best to level his tone, to approach her anger with calm, even though his mind was screaming out at him. Opposition would work. It had to. 

There was no use in fighting fire with more fire. Rollan lived his life that way for far too long 

Meilin didn't deserved his stupid flight or fight. And now wasn't the time for light humor, so he made a choice. Whether she saw Rollan's intention or not was irrelevant, he would still give her the benefit of the doubt every time. She was entitled to that much, as a human being and his girlfriend. 


You see, Meilin was pissed...  which made her scary. 

Rollan was calm... which was even scarier. That never happened. Ever.

Conor didn't dare to make a sound throughout the entirety of his teammate's conversation. It was as if his mouth was sown shut, eyes bulging as they went back and forth, listening intently. Being used to Meilin's angry side by now, he hadn't much worry as long as he steered clear. Though seeing Rollan was traumatic. With as little control as he had, he was controlling himself. It was as if a demon possessed the poor fellow. He glanced toward Abeke, with even greater concern, while she stifled a chuckle at each passing word. 

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