~ Reilin Day 1- Focus ~

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First day of Reilin!! I'm actually excited for this list. A lot of the prompts gave me great ideas. And yes it's whump because that's all I can write lately. Somewhere I'll try to squeeze in some fluff lol. 

Tw: Blood and injury, Mention of bombing. 

< Meilin >

I delicately tore the blood soaked fabric away, careful not to strain Rollan's leg too much while I inspected the injury. A deep scarlet coated his shin, pooling onto the ground in a gradual stream. 

There wasn't any evidence suggesting that the remaining shrapnel had lodged itself in Rollan's skin, but a series of blast wounds covered his leg. Each with a trail of blood, leaving a sickening sight. I couldn't seem to tell how many with all the scarlet.

Thinking I should check for breaks, I brought the leg up to my knee ever so slightly. 

He jerked back and surprised by the sudden movement- also the fact that I swore I saw a bone- I dropped hold with a shriek. I winced as the thudding travelled through my ear, watching him bring a fist to his lips. Rollan bit down hard, releasing a stifled scream. 

Oops. My bad. 


Rollan bit harder on his fist. Hot tears fell from his eyes as he squeaked out a muffled, "It's fine."

"Try not to flinch too much?" I offered Rollan a sympathetic look, shrugging my shoulders.

The makeshift "splint"- comprised of gauze, a series of sticks, and rope- laid next to us. As I closed my fingers around it, I analyzed the fabric's texture more harshly. It was rough to the touch, even despite the extra padding of the gauze. The splint couldn't have been that comfortable to wear.

Forget comfort, how would Rollan walk in the first place? With the blood and mangled appearance, the injury looked bad enough. I couldn't imagine how bad it felt.

All the color had drained from his face as Rollan pulled away his fist, and I desperately tried to shake the worry. If I considered it much longer, under something much more than the shock of the situation, I might fall apart.

"Yeah, thanks for the advice," He retorted. 

Rollan sucked in a breath, bracing himself as I secured the splint. "Careful- car- careful!! Stop... st- s- Meilin. For the sake of Ninani's grace and mercy, don't stop!!"

I sighed, trying to still the oncoming headache. It had been thirty seconds in and I was losing patience already. Not that I could blame Rollan for the twitch of the limb, but his mixed signals weren't helping. "Stop whining so much, you'll have your mommy in a little bit." 

"It hurts." Rollan whispered in a harsh tone. 

He glared and I did so back, hissing out, "I'm doing my best here."

Could the boy ever chill out, for even a second? "There. Now let's get you up before I have to hear another complaint." 

Finishing with a tight knot on the front, I bent next to Rollan and slung an arm underneath his leg as well as one around his back. He pushed against the tree to his right, placing his left arm on my shoulder while I helped him to stand. Then I carefully released Rollan's leg.

I could feel the movement as he took a deep breath, placing his splinted leg into a straight position and shifting the slightest pressure onto it. Rollan grunted, while the blunt of the weight I had been supporting suddenly lifted. 

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