Chapter 1: Crush Crisis

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After being DROPPED FROM THE FREAKING SKY by Chris, the cast is all back together again for a new season of pure anarchy and chaos.

Whilst everyone was passing through the forest to find their cabins (idk I don't fully remember what happened in ep 1 when I watched it), Caleb was offering to help carry Pryia's bag for her, flexing his muscles, she giggled and agreed.

Little did those two know that Damien could see the whole thing happening, he felt a slight crack in his heart.

Ever since last season, Damien has had a bit of a crush on Pryia, it especially excited and slightly flustered Damien when Pryia said he was the love of her life, but now he was second guessing things.

Maybe Caleb was just being friendly? Or maybe it was something else? Does Pryia like Caleb now!? Okay maybe.. Damien was just overthinking things... but... Damien could just SEE how Pryia looked at Caleb...she never looked at Damien that way.

Even if Pryia DID all of a sudden like Caleb now, there was no way Damien could compete with Caleb...

Caleb was hot, good looking, handsome and strong, and Damien was well...DAMIEN...he stood no CHANCE.

It just hurt Damien to even see the sight that he saw from a distance...

" okay..?" A voice asked.

Damien turned to see Axel, who just came from pushing Ripper to the ground.

"...yeah..." Damien mumbled, but Axel could clearly see something was up.

"Did someone hurt you? What's wrong?" She asked. Axel then looked over to where Damien was looking, there were Pryia and Caleb.

"'re jealous aren't you?" Axel said

"...a little...yeah..." Damien spoke quietly, trying to hide how slightly upset he was.

"Hey, if you want me to uh..tell Caleb to uh..."back off"..then I'll do it" Axel smirked, joking slightly

"Alright thanks.." Damien chuckled, smiling.
(320 words)

If only you knew...{A Damiya Story}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora