4: Predicaments

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The forecast was relentless: rain, and lots of it. Predicted to persist for the next twelve hours, it painted a picture of a day best spent indoors, wrapped in blankets, indulging in takeout, and binge-watching movies. The city authorities cautioned its citizens against unnecessary outings due to the imminent risk of floods and hazardous driving conditions.

Yet, amidst this tempestuous backdrop, Meena found herself compelled by obligations that brooked no delay. Promises made to her father, commitments to set right the tangled threads of misfortune that had befallen them. Before taking any action, she needed to gather intel and infiltrate the group responsible. But she hadn't yet figured out the best approach.

Meena reached for her phone, knowing exactly who she needed to call. The dial tone echoed in the silent room, each ring feeling like an eternity. Finally, on the seventh ring, Charlotte picked up, her voice heavy with sleep. "Why are you calling at this ungodly hour, Meena? It feels like the sky is collapsing, and my bed is the only safe place," she mumbled.

Meena couldn't help but chuckle softly at her friend's groggy response. "I know it's early, Char, but we've got some pressing matters to deal with. Code clear," she said, knowing that Charlotte would understand the urgency of the situation.

Charlotte let out a tired sigh. "If you expect me to join you, you better arrange for a driver or come get me yourself. I'm not about to brave these conditions, especially when I'm half-asleep," she insisted, punctuating her statement with a yawn that was audible even over the phone.

"I'll be there to pick you up personally. This is strictly confidential, Char. Not a word to anyone – not even Phalo or Tofu," Meena emphasized before ending the call.

After getting herself ready, Meena pulled up outside Charlotte's place. As she watched the rain lash against the windshield, she couldn't help but notice Charlotte's less-than-enthusiastic demeanor as she slouched in the passenger seat, looking as though she'd rather be snuggled up under her blankets.

With a small smile, Meena retrieved a thermos from the backseat, a secret remedy for the dreary morning. "Hey, Char, in need of a boost?" she offered.

Charlotte's eyes brightened with curiosity. "Oh, please tell me you've got something stronger than coffee," she said, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Meena chuckled, unscrewing the lid of the thermos. "Oh, it's stronger alright. How about a triple espresso... with a kick?" she teased, a twinkle in her eye.

Charlotte leaned in, intrigued. "You mean...?" she trailed off, anticipation building.

With a nod, Meena poured a generous measure of espresso into a cup, the rich aroma filling the car. "Triple espresso, with a happy pick me up; Guaranteed to wake you up," she declared, passing the cup to Charlotte.

Charlotte's face lit up as she took a sip, feeling the caffeine course through her veins. "Now, that's what I'm talking about!" she exclaimed, energized.

Meena grinned, pleased with Charlotte's reaction. "Just doing my part to keep us on our toes," she quipped, laughter filling the car as they embarked on the long day ahead.

As the clock struck 7:30 am and the rain still pounded against the windows, Meena and Charlotte sat in the car, their minds ablaze with anticipation. "Alright, Meena, here's the plan," Charlotte began, her voice dripping with confidence. "We're going to exploit his predictable routine to our advantage."

Meena's gaze sharpened with intrigue. "Go on."

Charlotte outlined the plan with meticulous detail, each step orchestrated to perfection. "Our target is known to take the same route every morning, passing through a secluded stretch of road at precisely 8:00 am. That's where we'll intercept him."

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