Forming Plans

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Maggie didn't know how long she stared at the mirror disassociating until finally Jessica splashed water on her face and she blinked rapidly before turning her head to look at her. "There she is!" Erika cried as she rubbed Maggie's shoulders in comfort.

"Maggie, what happened?" Jasmine asked, her eyes going over every detail of her face. Jasmine was wearing a pretty dark red dress tonight with dark red shoes, a simple pearl necklace, and small red heart earrings.

"I like your outfit tonight." Maggie dumbly spoke, the numbness slowly dissipating as reality slowly sank in. Jessica laughed then covered her mouth with a little scream.

"She's broken gang!" Jessica exclaimed before going to touch her face only to stop as Maggie flinched. "Okay, so we will not be doing that. Magnolia." Maggie turned to look at Jessica. "Eyes on me? Yeah? What happened?" Jessica asked her slowly as if she was speaking to a caveman.

In that instance, Maggie felt the weight of the world on her chest as once again tears welled up in her eyes. "How can a person cry this much?" Maggie mumbled rhetorically as her hand came up to brush them away. "I was just going in to get Aziel to sign off on the music for tonight, like usual."

The girls all nodded as they listened with bated breath. Jessica wore a black mini dress with no straps and long silver boots, while Erika wore a black tight midi skirt and a low v-neck tank top that was silver with what seemed to be little rhinestone ruffles. "Yeah?" Erika prompted her to continue and so Maggie did.

"Well when I walked into his office, he was acting strange. More tame than how he usually is but I'm just happy he's not being insane for once." Maggie rambled nervously as Jessica and Jasmine glanced to one another nervously. "And he puts on music and grabs my hand and waist to dance with me! I'm taken off guard but I'm going with the flow because I know how he is."

Jasmine reached out and tucked some of Maggie's hair behind her ear as Maggie retold her story. "Well Aziel starts talking about how he wants to be softer for me, blah blah blah. And I'm just listening until he tells me he wants to pursue me and I tell him no." Maggie stopped abruptly when she realized that if she told them what he threatened, that they would ask why Fisk would want to kill her Grandpa of all people.

Fuck me. "And you told him no so.." Erika was filling in the blanks as Maggie finally nodded slowly.

"And he grabbed my face, and t-told me.." Maggie was searching for what she was going to say next but was scared to tell them that Fisk was related to her, so she didn't say that. "He told me that he'd kill my Grandpa if I didn't." You fuckin' liar. Maggie's subconscious yelled at her.

Each of them gasped as they stared at Maggie with wide eyes. "Jesus! That man is mental! He can't be serious?" Jessica scoffed angrily.

"Maggie has to go to the police, she can't just let him threaten and black mail her like this." Erika exclaimed quietly, her voice indignant as Jasmine groaned.

"Erika, It's Aziel. If she even thought about going to the police, he'd stop her. And say she did, I can't even imagine what would happen." Jasmine spoke carefully, obviously nervous about this topic.

"How long have you worked for him, Jazz? What do you know about him?" Maggie turned to her as Jasmine shook her head.

"Listen if you're smart, you'll amuse him Maggie. I know this sucks but if you want to keep George safe.. you just have to suck it up until he gets bored."

"No way, Jasmine!" Jessica turned to her and was staring at her like she was psychotic. "This isn't fair to Maggie."

"I know that!" Jasmine snapped. "But what is she supposed to do? She can't go to anybody.. look, you asked me how long I've worked here? I've worked here since about 13 and I'd organize Asters files for him while my Dad was his.. hired muscle." Maggie was still as Jasmine revealed this information. "He has my Dad under his thumb, and because of that, I was under his thumb too. Aziel has power, he pulls strings behind the scenes and if you are disloyal or betray him..." Jasmine trailed off.

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