Chapter 2

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The female glared at him with unimpressed eyes. She threw off her head, revealing lavender-colored hair styled in a cat-like manner, with two broad triangular buns like ears with twintails flowing down from each.

"Really. You." Her voice was flat and unimpressed. Morax glared at her: the feeling was doubly mutual. 

"Who are you?" Xiao asked rather rudely. Ganyu took a step towards him as if to calm him.

The woman snorted. "I am Keqing, goddess of bravery. I have heard stories of your exploits-" and here she gave Morax a pointed look, "-And even more about your character, the stone-cold lord of Geo. I should be sorry to believe half of them."

Morax bristled at the obvious jibe, readying his spear, but Guizhong's voice in his mind stopped him. Give everyone a chance, it murmured, don't be so impulsive.

His apprentice, however, was much less patient and ran at Keqing with his spear drawn. Morax was dimly aware of everything, Ganyu's startled yelp, and the sharp clang! of metal clashing against metal.

"Xiao!" He shouted. "Stop!"

Forced to obey his words, the yaksha stopped and slid his spear onto his back. Keqing had managed to block the sword strike, but she was clearly furious and glared daggers at Xiao.

Morax exhaled slowly; a headache was forming between his eyes.

"What are you doing here then?" He demanded, pointing his spear at her. "So near my territory?"

Keqing sighed. "We are at war, Lord Morax."

He glared. "I am aware of that."

She seemed like she was trying to kill him with her eye daggers. "Very funny. But I am really here because my mistress, the one who lives in the Jade Palace-" she tipped her head at the floating structure that was currently blocking the moon. "Wishes to extend- ah- a hand of friendship, if you will. You could make a valuable ally in troubling times such as these."

Morax was going to decline, because he was one of the most powerful god of all, along with having numerous allies among the adepti. He did not need a puny 'goddess of bravery' to be his ally.

But then Guizhong's stern voice entered his mind yet again, this time with the reminder that they needed another godly ally to be a scout for them, to protect their territory.

Morax considered this for a moment. In all honesty, it could be worse. Someone who had a palace that could float in the sky could be very helpful; they would be able to see threats from miles around. And Keqing seemed to be an adept fighter, from the way she held herself and the way her hand seemed married to the hilt of her sword.

"Let's say I agree to this proposal," he said. Keqing's mouth dropped open, which made the entire thing worthwhile. "What would happen?"

"Well, I would take you up to meet my mistress, of course, before we seal this alliance." She said matter-of-factly.

Morax paused. "I see. And who is your mistress?"

She stared at him, unsmiling. "You'll see, if you agree to this."

"Somehow, that sounds very ominous," Ganyu peeped.

Xiao burst out vengefully, after having kept his silence for so long. "Morax- it isn't safe. I don't trust her. What if this is a trick?" 

"Well then I'll fight my way out of it," he said easily. "Besides Raiden and her insufferable familiar, Yae Miko, I sincerely doubt that there is a single person in Teyvat who could match me in terms of combat."

Keqing set her jaw, not saying anything. "Well, that seems decided, then. Will you go?"


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