birthday planning 3 - midnight surprise

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i was planning to publish it tom. Too much pressure with school and fake people

I'm calling my new book series, which will be published soon, 'delulu diaries'.

This might be a long chapter so brace yourselves

I'm also thinking whether I should make bonus chapters or a book showing texts between both of them...

Play - i think he knows by taylor  swift & do i wanna know by arctic monkeys 

                   Aurora's pov

I ate dinner at the great hall and I noticed that Carmen & theo weren't there, I found Henry sitting at the slytherin table.
"Hey Henry"
"Oh. Erm- Rory hi" he was acting slightly weird
We were having a conversation about our classes when I asked him
"Oh, where are theo & carmen? Did they already leave?"

"Oh- uhm... yes, they did anyways... it's your birthday tomorrow!" he quickly changed the topic

"Alright then... Yes, I know, I'm planning to have a party with all the 8th years perhaps the last day before our winter vacation,  so there's more reason to celebrate.", I said slightly excited, I'm turning 20, I was the oldest in the year but that was an advantage honestly.

"Uh.... oh- ah, I see..." he was behaving in a different way

"Why are you acting so weirdly?" I question

"Me? No, what? Haha" he awkwardly chuckled

"Well, I should be going now, good bye Henry"

"Oh, bye Rory." He said

I go to my room, study for an hour or so. I check the time, it was now 11 pm  and just when I was a out to change into my pyajamas I heard a knock on the door.
I open the door to see Malfoy wearing a black leather jacket, of course I do. Once again wondering whether this was a dream or not.

"Uhm- rory... you've been staring at me for the past 30 seconds... I mean, I would too please come with me, now I need you- your help " he says, it sounds
He looks scared, which takes me back to a month ago when he came to my door step

"Oh, sorry Draco. Are you always this cocky, or am I special? What happened? Is it Scorpius?" I first roll my eyes, then become worried.

"Yes, uh- ⁸he's had a nightmare again.", he says, without worrying, every time he mentions something like this he becomes anxious and slightly hyper.

But, he was saying in like it meant nothing, calmly, infact.

"Well, what are you waiting for lets go!"
I say walking towards his room/ office doors

He grabs my wrist, which gives me flashbacks to the time when we were in the lake along with instant butterflies.

God, this man might just be the death of me.

He apparates us to a dark room, I hear someone- an awfully familiar voice saying shut up. I'm so confused. I turned around and to my shock my friend group jumped up and shouted


"What is happening?  oh my gosh, thank youuu" I say, still schocked

"Well, now take this dress, which we all bought just for you and change into it quickly,  then follow Malfoy" carmen said, and they all disappeared.

I gasped, the dress was gorgeous, it was (description of the dress you choose, best one will get a follow)

[A/n - go to the next chapter quickly to choose which dress you want her to wear bc there are too many for me to choose and y'all might have diff options]

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 06 ⏰

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You're late.   A Draco Malfoy story ♡Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ