Normal Farm Life

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In the middle of the woods in the dead of night, a hooded figure was running from four men in armor. One of the men threw a strong gust of wind at the figure but they jumped out of the way and did a swiping kick in the air to send a line of fire their way, hitting a nearby tree at the man. Once the figure landed, they saw a wall of earth right rise in front of them which made them stop dead in their tracks. Another one of the men went behind their target and summoned water through his gauntlet to shoot ice at the red-clocked figure. However, they dodged side to side and melted some of the ice, but one was able to hit their shoulder.

Despite this, the figure got into a fighting stance and was able to get a good look at the men surrounding them. On the front, there was a bald, slightly tan man with blue eyes. On the right side, there was a small, almost child-sized man with a buzzcut and grey eyes. From behind, the wall came down and revealed a big man with a scruffy beard, short black hair, and green eyes. Finally on the right, a man with reddish-orange eyes, hair that reached to his ears, and a smug grin. They all had the same type of armor, light and manly covering their chest, legs, and forearms. The smug man opened his mouth for the clocked figure, who hadn't moved an inch and kept their stance firm.

???: You really know how to prolong the inevitable, don't you?

The figure didn't answer, which made him roll his eyes.

???: Look, I like to think we're being reasonable with you. You know we need you alive but not unharmed. So make it easier on both yourself and us and just give up.

The figure slightly looked over at him and shook their head no. Despite not seeing their face, he could sense their hatred from them.

???: (Sigh) You just like your father ... and look where that got him.

The figure clenched their and punched a wave of fire towards the man, who deflected it with his left hand and used the other to send a strong blast of fire towards the figure. They deflected it and the water bender took water out of his gauntlets and made whips to strike the figure. The figure dodged the strikes and used their fire bending to turn the whips into steam. As they were doing that, the earthbender threw three rocks at the figure. They barely had a second to react and dodged the first two but the third hit their stomach, sending them flying into the dark forest. The fire bender laughed, thinking they'd won, but the earth bender didn't think so.

???: Amai. I don't think she would get knocked out like that.

Amai: Po come on-

Po: Don't make the same mistake again.

Amai thought about it and sighed, knowing what he meant and that he was right. He looked at the water bender and pointed to where the girl went.

Amai: Hake, go get her.

Hake nodded and went inside the woods with his water whips. He saw a red clock on the ground, somehow not moving with the wind. Hake looked closely and found it empty, only being held down by the rock Po threw. He looked up and saw someone running to him with their fist in flames. The three men saw a flash of fire and Hake flying back to them, hitting the floor twice. The Airbender ran up to Hake and put his middle and index finger on his neck.

???: Phew, he's alive.

Amai: Paahi! Get her!

Paahi: What!?! But Hake's down!

Amai: I don't care! Just-

Po: Take care of him. We'll go after her.

Amai looked at Po with a bit of surprise and annoyance, mostly annoyance. They went inside and stopped where the stone was, now having no clock on top of it. Amai was getting angry seeing this but Po simply closed his eyes and hit his bare foot on the ground.

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