Meeting Someone

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It was night and the full moon lit up the small farm in a peaceful way. Everyone was sound asleep, except for Yan, he was lighting a small flame in his hand over and over again. He remembered when he found out he was the Avatar. He was 7 at the time and he tried to move a rock in the ground but instead made a burst of fire. He remembered her Grandmother nearly having a heart attack from the surprise and another man near her confused, just as much as Yan.

Young Yan: Pa! I made fire! I thought I could only move rocks.

Pa: Yeah you are... unless-

Ma: Honey, you don't think?

Pa: There's no other way to explain it, he's the Avatar.

Ma dropped the camera and ran up to Yan to pick him up in a hug. Yan was laughing but it was because she was happy, not because he understood.

Young Yan: What's that mean?

Pa: It means you have a lot of responsibility, young man. You have a whole world to look after now.

Young Yan: Whole world? That's so big!

Pa: Hehe, it sure is. But don't stress too much about it, we'll help ya get ready.

Ma: My grandson is the Avatar, can you believe that? I'm so proud of you.

Young Yan: But I didn't do anything.

Pa: Not yet-

As older Yan was remembering this, he shed a small tear and dropped his hand on his bed.

Pa: -you will.

Yan felt like he failed him, he felt like this every night. Of course, he always justified it with his need to take care of his grandmother, but he knows that sooner or later that would no longer be the case. As he lightly cried, he heard taps coming from his window. Confused, he looked to see nothing there but tiny pebbles hitting the glass.

Yan: ... I knew giving her rock candy was a bad idea.

Yan got up, quickly wiped the tears from his eyes, and walked over to the window expecting to see Baobei. But when he looked out, he instead saw a figure with a red cloak and a white spirit mask, looking straight up at Yan's window. Yan was taken aback, literally, falling down on his rear and backing up to the bed.

Yan: Not Baobei, deffently not Baobei.

Yan crawled underneath the window and peeked his head up, seeing the figure not moving from his position. Yan ducked down again and started to sweat in nervousness.

Yan: W-what do I do? I can't just leave that guy alone. But I don't think I can take him ... but if I do nothing, he could hurt Ma.

Yan grew determined and took in many deep breaths through his nose. The figure watched the front door open and Yan came up with his fist pointed at him, slightly shaking.

Yan: I-I don't know who you think you are, but this is my farm! L-leave or I'll *voice crakes in fear* hurt you!

The figure wasn't phased and simply pointed at Yan, making him almost scream. The figure then looked at the wilderness to the right of him and slowly moved his arm to point at it. Yan was now more confused than scared, trying to understand what the figure was saying.

Yan: You ... want me to go into the woods? At night?

The figure looked back at Yan and nodded. His head then jerked to see Baobei holding a giant staff with a ball end, charging straight at him with malicious intent. Once Baobei got close enough, she swung at the figure but he just jumped back with little effort. Baobei then stabbed the sharp end of her staff to the ground and roared at the figure, making Yan relieved.

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