Having Guest Over

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Yan heard the window outside his window scratch, like every morning, and did the same routine as usual. However, as he went downstairs, he heard what sounded like his Ma talking to someone. He walked down into the living room to see Ma and Ayame talking, or at least Ma talking and Ayame just nodding and listening.

Yan: Morning.

Ma: Yanshi, why didn't you tell me we had someone over?

Yan: It was sorta last minute.

Yan went up to Ma, kissed her forehead, and looked at Ayame with pity.

Yan: How long has she been talking?

Ayame: Since I woke up. Mostly about you.

Ma: Well it's not like I have anything else to talk about!

Yan: *Chuckles* I'll make breakfast.

Yan went into the kitchen and started making omelets. He made a show out of it by flipping it in mid-air and dramatically springing salt and pepper on top of it. He made three omelets, plated them, and passed them along to each person.

Ayame: Thank you.

Yan: It's my pleasure.

Ayame cut off a piece with her fork and took a bite. She was surprised and happy at the taste of it, something Yan noticed and took pride in.

Ayame: Jeez you make really good stuff!

Ma: Well I did teach him everything he knows.

Yan: Well not everything, Pa taught me how to handle the farm.

Ma: I like to think I taught you the more important stuff.

Yan playfully rolled his eyes and Ayame couldn't help but get a nostalgic feeling. However, the more she thought about it, the gloomier her face got. It became unbearable for her and decided to cut breakfast short.

Ayame: I need to go.

Yan: What already? You barely ate.

Ayame: *Stands out of her chair* Look, I appreciate all you've done for me but-

Suddenly, a knock on the door was heard which startled Ayame, like a deer in headlights. Yan and Ma were confused as they rarely had visitors and never any this early.

Ayame: Who's that!?!

Yan: I don't know. No one is ever here this early.

Ma: Maybe it's a package?

Yan: Did you order a package?

Ma: ... maybe?

Yan sighed and walked over to the door, opening it, but not seeing anyone there. Yan was confused until he heard a cough, which made him look down to see Paahi and Po in full armor. Yan wasn't expecting to see what he thought was a child and didn't know how to handle it.

Yan: Hey there ... little guy?

Paahi: I'm 35.

Yan: Oh ... good for you?

Paahi: My name is Paahi and this is my friend Po. We're here in the name of the Alpin company, to investigate this girl.

Paahi pulled out the same flyer of Ayame Yan saw yesterday, now feeling tense and nervous but trying his best to not show that.

Yan: O-oh, uhh I've heard of her. But I haven't seen her. W-why do you ask?

Paahi: She was last seen in the woods, specifically around this area. We think she might be somewhere around here, living off your food that is.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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