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Tw: Weed and Sexual Content 😝
"Hey we need to talk" I stare at the text. What the fuck? Why does Eren wanna talk? I text back
"About what?" I send back he immediately starts typing.
"Just meet me at the cafe off campus like now." Why the fuck is he being so mysterious and weird.
"Damn okay see you soon I guess" He leaves me on read. I grab my keys and I head there. I knew the place Eren was talking about most of the students here come here for coffee or to study. I walk in and see Eren sitting at a booth. I smile and walk over to him
"Hey, What's up?" I ask him Eren looks up and smiles
"Hey sit down." I sit down and he stares at me. No emotion just staring like he's in a fucking daze
"So what's wrong?" He looks up
"Oh right. after you left I found this" He hold up one of my weed pens. I take it from him.
"Oh cool I thought Connie stole this!" I put it in my pocket. "Is that it? you could have just texted me and told me. I would have come and got it.
"No it's not just that. You need to be careful not to leave things in my dorm." He starts to look nervous
"Okay my bad didn't think dropping something was a crime" He just stares at me
"I'm serious you can't leave stuff sitting around in my dorm. If my roommate finds something then-" He stops himself and I just stare at him. What is he so worried about. Why would his roommate care that Eren had someone over.
"Look i'm sorry it's just me and my roomie have a deal. No hookups in the dorm room. If he finds out i broke the rule he'll make a whole lecture out of it and i don't wanna deal with his bullshit" I grab his hand
"Eren calm the fuck down dude. You are on edge for no reason. I'll be more careful next time." He lets out a breath of relief and his mood does a fully on 180.
"That next time better be soon" He winks. What the fuck?? He was just freaking out and now he's back to his old self and flirting. college men need to be studied they cannot be fucking real.
"Well. I'm gonna order a coffee do you want anything?" I stand up and look at him. He smiles
"Nah. Get it to go though I wanna show you something" he winks. i'm so confused at this point. Bro was just flipping out and now he's back to normal?? I walk up to the counter and a guy with brown hair and freckles. He's cute. soft features and he wears glasses. his name tag reads "Marco"
"Hi i'm Marco what can I get for you today?" he smiles
"Uh can I get a large iced coffee" He grabs a cup and looks at me.
"What kind?" I look at the menu. Too many fancy names
"Surprise me" I can't choose anything, so I'm putting all my faith into this barista
"Hmm. Okay!" He thinks for a moment and writes something on the cup I can't see.
"Your total is 3.45" He looks at me and I pay.
"Alright your drink will be ready soon!" A few minutes later he hands me my drink and i thank him. I walk back over to Eren.
"Alright let's go." He stands up and grabs my hand. He leads me out to his car. I get in and take a drink of the coffee. it's really really good. I look at what the bartsia wrote on my cup "Marco Special" and his number underneath it. Aw cute. He's so not my type but he's nice. I save the number in my phone so I can text him later. I look over at Eren he is driving. He points towards the aux.
"You can DJ." I plug my phone in and put one of my daily mixes.
"Where are you taking me exactly?" I ask him. He smirks
"You'll see." This cocky motherfucker.
"So you're kidnapping me?" He just laughs
"You technically consented."
"Consent my ass! Where are we going?" He laughs again. I wanna smack the smug look off of his stupid face. I lean back in my seat and stay quiet listening to the music. Today has been fucking insane. One minute Eren is overreacting over the something over an accident, then he's back to his normal self and taking me to some mysterious place. Maybe he's crazy and is going to murder me. Hey if I die I don't have to finish my history project.
"Play Nickelback" Eren's voice rips me from my thoughts.
"Huh?" I have no clue what he just said to me.
"Can you put on Nickelback. The band?" Oh yeah I forgot I had the power of music
"I know who Nickelback is smart ass" I grab my phone and play the spotify discography for them. The song Side of A Bullet plays. We listen to the song and sing a long. It's nice. Soon Eren pulls into spot off a dirt road. The view is beautiful. It's really nice out here no other cars or anything really. No buildings or house just nature.
"Wow this is really beautiful" I stare at the sky. The sun is starting to set. The sky is orange and pink. I take a picture of it and Eren turns the car off. My phone still playing music.
"This is a really great spot to watch the sunset and get stoned. If you want to." He looks at me.
"Don't have to ask me twice." I pull the pen Eren gave me earlier out from my pocket and take a hit. I pass it to him.
"I didn't know you smoked" I blow the smoke out.
"Not often but sometimes I like to get high and relax" He passes it back to me
"Ah okay" We sit in silence passing the pen back and forth. Soon we are both high, not extremely high but enough to relax and enjoy the sunset. The song Animals plays and Eren smirks and puts his hand on my leg. I turn to look at him. He just stares at me and slowly moves his hand up.
"You know what this song makes me think about?"
"Car sex. And you know. No one is around for miles. Soo" His hand moves up more. I smirk at him and place my hand on top of crotch feeling his already hard dick. He unbuckles his pants and pulls his boxers down freeing his cock. I wrap my hand around it and move it up and down. Looking into his eyes. He bites his lip and mutters curses under his breath. I climb over the console and he lowers his seat back so we have room. He kisses me. His tounge sliding into my mouth. I grind against his dick. He breaks from the kiss.
"Take those off" He grabs my pants and pulls them down with my underwear. He grabs a condom from the console and puts it on. Once it's on he guides my hips over him and gently pushes me down onto his dick. The feeling of him inside me makes me moan. He grabs my face and kisses me again as he guides my hips back and forth. I moan into his mouth. He guides my hips up and slowly pushes me back down. He guides me as I ride his dick. He picks up the pace. His mouth moves to my neck and back up to my mouth. The feeling of him is intoxicating. I move my hips faster wanting more of him. He pushes his hips up pushing himself deeper into me. I moan loudly. He grabs my hips again guiding me to go faster.
He grunts as I moan out.
"Mm Close" He breathes out.
"Same" He guides my hips up till his barely inside me and pushes me down hard. He does it again but faster. And again. He guides me back up and pushes me down as he bucks his hips up. That's all it took for me to finish along with him. He guides us through both of our orgasms.
"Holy fuck." He mutters as I pull myself off of him and move back to my seat. He takes off the condom and we clean ourselves up.
"Best car sex i've had" I laugh.
"Me too." He kisses me one last time then he turns the car back on and we leave. The car ride back is quiet but it's comfortable silence. He drops me off near my dorm building and I wave goodbye making sure I have all my stuff this time. I walk into my dorm room. Ymir isn't here. I grab my laptop and work on some assignments. Soon it's past midnight and I head to bed. The next day after classes I go to band rehearsal. I walk in and Jean is getting his guitar ready. No one else is here yet.
"Hey." I say and I set my stuff down. He looks up at me
"Hey" He smiles. Jean is really nice. We don't see each other outside of rehearsal but he's always chill.
"How are you doing" He asks.
"I'm doing okay. I have a project due friday but i did most of it last night. How are you?" He smiles.
"I'm great! I did have a question tho!"
"What is it? I grab the music for today's rehearsal. It's Connie's day to pick the music. It's just Hollywood Undead songs. I'm not surprised.
"I wanna make a group chat for the band can I get your number so I can make it. I have Connie's and Eren's already." He hands me his phone and type in my number.
"There you go!" He thanks me and goes back to getting his stuff ready. I adjust the mic stand and turn it on.
"Heads up i'm doing a mic check real quick" Jean shoots me a thumbs up. I clear my throat and sing the first words of the first song Riot.
"I've been searching for an answer, but I ain't found one" It sounds fine to me. I turn to Jean
"Did it sound good?"
"You sound great!" He smiles at me.
"Thank you but I meant the mic."
"Oh yeah that's good too!" We laugh. Connie enters the room
"Hey fuckers!"
"Hey Cornbread" He shoots me a glare
"Don't call me Cornbread asshat!"
"Sorry Conrad" Jean laughs. Connie turns and gives me an evil look. I laugh. He flips me off and starts to get his stuff set up. Eren walks in a finally and he winks at me before going to his drums.
"Now that everyone's here. We have a very important matter to discuss" Connie says as he moves to sit down.
"Which is?" Eren looks at him.
"We need a name."
"Don't we have one?" Jean asks him
"We did but some other band has the same name so we need a new one"
"Wait what was the old one" I look at Connie
"Destroy Boys" Eren speaks up.
"Wait a fucking second none of you know the actual band Destroy Boys?" They shake their heads.
"I can't believe you guys."
"Sorry we don't know every band ever" Connie says sarcastically.
"Hm what about Jailbreak?" Jean says
"No too basic" Connie shakes his head
"4 Rats in a trench coat?" Everyone turns and just looks at me.
"Jeez okay I just said something off the top of my head. My bad" Connie stands up
"You know we can come with a name other day! let's practice" Me and Jean look at eachother and laugh. We practice the songs Connie picked out a few times till they sound good.
"Alright I gotta go bye guys" Eren grabs his stuff and leaves.
"Well I guess that means we are done." Jean looks at me and Connie.
"See you guys later!" Connie leaves next I grab my bag and turn towards Jean.
"Bye Jean!" He waves and I head back to my dorm.

A/N: Sorry for not updating Life happened i'm back now! Also if you guys have any band name ideas PLEASE let me know bc I have awful ones
Also pls bare with me I will make longer chapters and most more often I've been busy 😭😭

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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