
"Do you think Karina will be here soon?" Roseanne asked Loren, who was sitting next to her. Jisoo and Baek were together, being each other's wingman, it was hilariously disgusting.

"I hope so." He said, taking a sip of his beer.

They talked for a while, till they saw Karina walking in, with a girl next to her. It took Roseanne a full minute to realize that the girl standing next to her roommate was Lisa, the girl from that morning. What were the odds?

"Guys, this is Lisa, she plays football with me." Karina said, cheerfully. "Lisa, these are my roommate Roseanne and a friend of ours, Loren." The way Karina marked Roseanne's name made Lisa wince.

"Oh, I already know her." Roseanne said, much to Karina's disbelief. "Remember when I was talking about the girl who sent her iced tea flying all over me?" Roseanne laughed softly and Lisa blushed, hiding her face in her hands.

Karina eyed both of them suspiciously. "Lisa, let's go get us something to drink." She said, grabbing her by her arm and dragging her towards the bar.

Once they were far enough from Roseanne and Loren, Karina finally spoke. "Does she know? Do you know?"

"I found out this morning." Lisa stated. "She doesn't know and I don't want her to know, not yet."

"Alright, take your time." Karina said, before ordering two tequilas. "Just keep in mind that Roseanne is slightly obsessed with the whole soulmate thing. She is always complaining about how her persona. Well, you, never draw. She thinks she's destined to be alone."

"She's not destined to be alone. I was never really into this soulmate thing. Her drawings started appearing on my skin when I was about fifteen, which is earlier than usual. I'm used to them, they're part of who I am, as weird as it might sound. At the beginning, I was just embarrassed. I saw these incredible drawings on my arms and stomach and couldn't help but think that I wasn't worthy of the person creating them. She was very young when she started and I kind of witnessed the progress she made, you know? Her drawings made me feel great, as if I had been chosen by somebody special. I was scared my markings or whatever else I might draw on my skin weren't going to be enough. I wanted my person to feel the same way they made me feel. But I never could. I wasn't worthy, you know? Then I met someone, but I knew she wasn't the one. She wasn't sixteen yet, and was sure her drawings were going to appear on my skin once she turned the proper age. Of course, she didn't know about Roseanne's drawings, nobody did. I didn't have the heart to tell her. When she turned sixteen, she came to me and drew a small heart on her hand. Nothing appeared on mine, of course. She took it pretty badly, The rest doesn't matter. What I'm trying to tell you is that I'm not ready. And I'm not sure I'll ever be."

"Then I'm guessing you're going to need this." Karina said, offering her a tequila.

Lisa smiled at her, Karina was smart. She had accepted her answer, no questions asked. They both downed their tequilas before going back to Roseanne and Loren, who were still looking at Jisoo and Baek.

"So, as you might already know, Karina is my roommate and the other one I told you about is Jisoo, the girl you see dancing on that table down there." Roseanne explained to Lisa, pointing her thumb at Jisoo. "She enjoys drinking. The boy next to her is Baek, Loren's roommate."

"She does look like she enjoys having fun!" Lisa laughed. "I know it's kinda lame since we're out for drinks, but I already know that you're majoring in Biology, I think Karina mentioned studying Business, what about you Loren? And what about the two players down there?"

"Computer science, for me." Loren laughed. "Jisoo is majoring in Mechanical Engineering, while Baek is studying Chemistry. We're all big nerds. Most of us, at least, Karina is the only one who actually enjoys sports and stuff."

"She enjoys hiking, guys. She's weird." Roseanne whispered, and Karina elbowed her in the ribs.

"I do too!" Lisa commented.

"You outdoorsy weirdos." Loren said, under his breath. Roseanne laughed out loud, while Karina rolled her eyes.

"I have abs, guys. Like, real, actual abs!"

How was she going to compete with her friends? Not that she needed to, but they were amazing. Smart, sassy, incredibly fun to be with. She was just boring, average, Lisa.

Roseanne was used to greatness, she was just going to be disappointed in Lisa. She definitely wasn't ready to tell Roseanne that she wasn't destined to be alone. She thought about how she'd imagined her to be and was stunned to realize that Roseanne was even better than expected. She made her feel things in her stomach even if they'd known each other for not even a day.

"Lisa does, too." Karina continued. Her comment made Lisa's blood freeze in her veins. She blushed instantly, elbowing her teammate right in the ribs. Karina groaned and rolled her eyes, this rib hitting was getting out of control.

Lisa didn't know what to say, and was saved at the last minute by a very drunk Jisoo who was stumbling to get back to their table. Once she got there, she eyed Lisa curiously.

"Who's this?" She asked.

"This is Lisa, she plays football with me." Karina explained.

"Oh no, another sportsperson. Fuck my life." She slurred, sitting right next to Lisa.

"What is it that you guys have against sports?" Lisa asked, she had never met that many people who hated sports in her whole life.

"We're lazy, that's it." Roseanne commented. "We're also terrible at anything physical."

"I wouldn't say that, Park. Sex is physical, I'm good at it. Not so sure about your skills, though." Jisoo said and Lisa was positive it was the first time she saw Roseanne actually blushing and being embarrassed.

"It doesn't look like it, found anyone to bang for the night?" The blonde asked.

Jisoo frowned. "Nope, found a girl for Baek, though."

"You're hopeless." Karina and Roseanne said at unison.

I see the look on your face telling me your story, you don't have to be alone. I love to see you smiling, why are you trying to hide it? Don't you know you've got it all?

I know when you're gone you do your thing and you live like you want. I know when you're gone you're just looking for a little sign of love.

I said hey, would you come with me? I said, hey, hey. Hey, would you stay with me? I said hey, hey.

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