{|} Prolouge {|}

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A broad shouldered hybrid slammed into the sea, anger replacing shock as he swam towards the surface. Talons finding the shore below him, the hybrid faced his opponent with wings flared and barbed tail raised.

' 'You're a coward!' ' He hissed at the green being before him whom held a calm expression.

' 'Why bother pushing me off that cliff when you couldv'e killed me with your own claws?!' ' He howled, an almost deranged expression on his face. The hybrid's was still heavily labored as he formed a sloppy defensive position.

' 'I will admit-' ' The green figure started, ' 'I was trying to make your beloved believe you had left her now that she is bearing eggs.' '

At this Esfinge began growling, deep and low as he pulled his lavender shaded veil off his eyes.

' 'She never told me that. Why should I believe you, you son of a bitch?' ' He snarled, examinng the sandy beach before him and the large boulder his opponent stood upon.

' 'If you don't believe me-' 'The green HiveWing started, a wide grin spreading across his face, ' 'Ask her when she joins you in Hell.' ' In that moment the HiveWing leapt, using his semi-transparent wings to boost him slightly before landing at the hybrid's talons. The HiveWing's grin widened with pure glee as the skinny green dragon took a single talon and cut the hybrid open chest to head. Overwhelming pain seered through Esfinge's body as he onto the wet sand below, the faint voice of his attacker hovering over his head.

' 'Truly was too easy, yet I expected as much from a disgusting hybrid like you.' ' He paused momentarily, lashing at the hybrid with his tail.

' 'Since you won't spread it around, I will honor you with my name-' ' The HiveWing leaned in closer, pulliing sharply on Esfinge's ear before whispering a single word.

' 'Mortis.' '

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Esfinge's eyes burst open in surprise. Seeing nothing but darkness around him as he held his barbed tail above his head.

' 'Where am I?' 'He spoke into the darkness, only half expecting an answer.

' 'A MindSpace, if you will.' ' A thick voice cut through the void, yet no one seemed visible as Esfinge scanned the room.

' 'I see you're confused, Esfinge. Let me clear the air; I am the devil. I can grant you your life back so you can take your revenge. But you will not be able to inflict damage upon others without 'inhabiting' someone elses body first.' '

Esfinge listened carefully, intriuged by the prospect of taking back his life.

' 'How would I do this?' ' He shouted into the space.

' 'I'll grant you a sliver of my power on one condition; fail to kill Mortis within ten years and I'll take your soul to the depths of my domain in Hell.' ' The voice shook the room. Esfinge almost trembled by it, yet was distracted by his personal desires.

' 'Is there anyone you have in mind for me to control first?' ' He decided to ask, wondering if this would prove difficult/

' 'Yes, in fact I do.' ' The walls around the space began to light up, creating a screen type image with three dragons spanned across them. One was a scarred LeafWing hybrid. The other was an older IceWing, a hood covering his face from view. The appealed to him. She was a beautiful dragoness and would suffice his needs.

' 'That one!' 'He called, lifting a wing to point at the third image.

' 'Very well. For your agreement I honor you with a new name-' ' Esfinge began calling out in distress out in distress, trying to make a point that he hadn't agreed to the deal yet. But his shouts seemed pointless as he was held to the by an unknown forced. His efforts feeble in any attempt at freeing himself.

' 'Welcome my new minion; Zoterues.' '

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{|} Prolouge done! Sorry if it seems slightly rushed. If I wrote this whole thing in my normal style then it would be close to 1,200 words long. . . So ye! Enjoy! {|}


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