Chapter 4

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As the day wore on, Amanda found herself lost in the rhythm of her work at the cash register, the steady stream of customers keeping her busy and focused. But amidst the hustle and bustle of the cafe, her mind kept drifting back to the hazel-eyed woman she had encountered the day before.

Lost in her thoughts, Amanda looked up from the cash register and saw her, the same woman with the hazel eyes, hobbling towards the counter on her crutches. A rush of recognition flooded through Amanda, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of her.

Quickly, Amanda grabbed her notepad and pen, her fingers trembling slightly with anticipation. With a shaky hand, she wrote a simple greeting.

"Hi," she wrote, holding out the notepad for the woman to see.

The woman's eyes widened in surprise as she took the notepad, her lips parting in a small smile. With a sense of nervous excitement, Amanda watched as the woman hobbled closer to the counter, her hazel eyes meeting Amanda's gaze with a mixture of curiosity and warmth.

Taking the notepad from Amanda, the woman wrote a response, her handwriting neat and precise.

"Hi back," she wrote, her lips quirking up in a shy smile.

Amanda felt her heart flutter at the sight of the woman's smile, a rush of happiness washing over her. It was a simple exchange, but in that moment, it felt like the beginning of something special.

As the woman placed her order on the notepad, Amanda's fingers flew across the keyboard, entering the request with practiced efficiency. Despite the noise and chaos of the cafe around them, there was a sense of connection between them, a silent understanding that transcended words.

As Amanda handed the woman her order, their fingers brushed against each other, sending a jolt of electricity through Amanda's veins. She watched as the woman hobbled away, a sense of longing tugging at her heart.

But as she turned back to her work, a smile tugged at the corners of Amanda's lips. Perhaps, she thought, this was just the beginning of a beautiful friendship. And as she glanced up at the clock, she couldn't wait to see what the rest of the day had in store.

As Alexia handed the notepad back to Amanda, she couldn't ignore the rush of electricity that shot through her body at the brief touch of their fingers. There was something about Amanda's presence that felt comforting and familiar, despite their recent acquaintance.

As Amanda turned to prepare Alexia's order, Alexia couldn't help but steal glances at her from across the counter. There was a gracefulness to Amanda's movements, a quiet confidence that captivated Alexia's attention.

Moments later, Amanda returned with Alexia's coffee, a shy smile playing on her lips as she handed over the notepad once again. With a sense of anticipation, Alexia watched as Amanda wrote down a question.

"What's your name?" Amanda wrote, her cheeks flushing with color.

Alexia felt a flutter of excitement in her chest as she took the notepad, her heart racing with anticipation. With a steady hand, she wrote her name in neat letters.

"Alexia," she wrote, handing the notepad back to Amanda with a smile.

Amanda's eyes lit up with recognition as she read Alexia's name, a soft smile spreading across her face. It was a simple exchange, but for Alexia, it felt like the beginning of something special.

As Amanda returned the notepad, their fingers brushed against each other once again, sending a wave of warmth through Alexia's veins. She watched as Amanda retreated behind the counter, her heart fluttering with excitement.

As she took a sip of her coffee, Alexia couldn't shake off the feeling of anticipation that filled her. Perhaps, she thought, this encounter with Amanda was more than just a chance meeting. And as she glanced down at the notepad, a smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

For in the silence of their written words, Alexia felt a connection with Amanda that she couldn't quite explain. And as she savored the warmth of her coffee, she knew that whatever the future held, she was grateful for this unexpected moment of connection.

As Alexia sat at her table, sipping her coffee and lost in thought, her phone buzzed with a message from Mapi. It was a reminder about their upcoming rehab session tomorrow, a necessary step in Alexia's journey to recovery. With a sigh, Alexia quickly replied to Mapi, confirming her attendance and expressing her gratitude for the support.

As she set her phone down, Alexia glanced up and saw Amanda across the cafe, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of her. With a warm smile, she waved at Amanda, gesturing for her to come over and join her at her table.

Amanda's eyes widened in surprise at the invitation, but a shy smile graced her lips as she made her way over to Alexia's table. With each step closer, Alexia's heart beat faster, anticipation bubbling within her.

Alexia found herself drawn to Amanda's presence. There was something about the way Amanda listened intently, her hazel eyes filled with genuine interest, that made Alexia feel understood in a way she hadn't before.

Suddenly, Amanda reached for her notepad and began writing furiously. Intrigued, Alexia watched as Amanda's pen danced across the page, her expression focused yet filled with excitement. When Amanda finished, she slid the notepad across the table to Alexia with a smile.

Curious, Alexia picked up the notepad and read Amanda's message. "Let's talk," it said simply, accompanied by a smiley face doodle in the margin.

A warmth spread through Alexia's chest at the invitation. It was a simple gesture, yet it spoke volumes about Amanda's willingness to connect and communicate. With a smile, Alexia nodded, setting the notepad down and meeting Amanda's gaze.

"Absolutely," she replied, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "What do you want to talk about?"

Amanda's eyes sparkled with excitement as she picked up the notepad again, her pen poised and ready. With a sense of anticipation, Alexia waited for Amanda's next message, eager to continue their conversation.

As Amanda's pen danced across the notepad, Alexia watched with curiosity, eager to see what she would write next. When Amanda finished, she slid the notepad across the table to Alexia, her hazel eyes shining with interest.

Curious, Alexia picked up the notepad and read Amanda's question. "How long have you lived in Barcelona?" it said, accompanied by a small smiley face doodle in the corner.

Alexia smiled in response, touched by Amanda's curiosity about her life. With a pang of nostalgia, she thought back to her hometown of Mollet del Vallès, a small but vibrant town nestled in the Catalonian countryside.

"I've lived in Barcelona for about five years now," Alexia wrote, her pen gliding across the notepad with ease. "But I'm originally from Mollet del Vallès."

Amanda's eyes widened in surprise as she read Alexia's response, a look of curiosity crossing her features. With a smile, Alexia handed the notepad back to Amanda, eager to hear her thoughts.

As Amanda read Alexia's response, she couldn't help but feel a sense of fascination. Mollet del Vallès was a place she had heard of but never visited, and she was intrigued by Alexia's connection to her hometown.

Writing her next question, Amanda handed the notepad back to Alexia, a smile playing on her lips. "What was it like growing up in Mollet del Vallès?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Alexia's heart warmed at Amanda's interest in her past, and she began to write, her memories flooding back with each stroke of the pen. As she shared stories of lazy summer days spent exploring the countryside and bustling marketplaces filled with the scent of fresh produce, Amanda listened intently, hanging on to every word.

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