Chapter 5

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As Alexia continued to write on the notepad, she found herself opening up about her journey to becoming a professional soccer player. With each stroke of the pen, memories flooded back to her, from the first time she kicked a ball in the streets of Mollet del Vallès to the moment she stepped onto the pitch as a Barcelona Femeni player.

She wrote about the countless hours spent practicing on dusty fields, the fierce determination that fueled her passion for the game, and the unwavering support of her family and coaches along the way. She wrote about the challenges she faced as a young woman in a male-dominated sport, the doubters and naysayers who told her she would never make it, and the moments of triumph that proved them all wrong.

And then, she wrote about the pinnacle of her career—the moment she was awarded the Ballon d'Or, the highest honor in women's soccer. It was a moment she would never forget, standing on stage in front of the world, holding that coveted trophy aloft as tears of joy streamed down her face.

As she finished writing, Alexia handed the notepad back to Amanda, her heart pounding with a mixture of nerves and excitement. Would Amanda understand the significance of what she had just shared? Would she see beyond the accolades and trophies to the passion and dedication that fueled Alexia's love for the game?

Amanda took the notepad with a smile, her eyes scanning the words Alexia had written with a mixture of awe and admiration. As she read about Alexia's journey, her respect for the young woman sitting across from her only grew, her heart swelling with pride for all that Alexia had accomplished.

Setting the notepad down, Amanda looked up at Alexia with a newfound sense of respect and admiration. "Wow," she said softly, her voice filled with emotion. "You're incredible, Alexia. Truly incredible."

Alexia felt a surge of warmth flood through her at Amanda's words, a sense of validation washing over her like a wave. In that moment, she knew that she had found not just a friend, but a kindred spirit—one who understood the depth of her passion and the journey that had brought her to where she was today.

a pang of uncertainty gripped her heart. Did Amanda even know who she was? Did she understand the weight of Alexia's fame and the pressures that came with it? It was a thought that had been nagging at Alexia ever since their conversation began, a fear that Amanda saw her only as a soccer player, not as the person behind the accolades and trophies.

But as Amanda set the notepad down and met Alexia's gaze, there was a warmth in her eyes that reassured Alexia in ways she couldn't explain. With a hesitant smile, Alexia reached for the notepad, her fingers trembling slightly with nerves as she began to write.

"What was your childhood like?" she wrote, her pen gliding across the page with practiced ease. "And... if you don't mind me asking... what's it like being deaf?"

As she handed the notepad back to Amanda, Alexia couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability wash over her. These were questions that went beyond the surface, ones that delved into the very core of who Amanda was as a person. And yet, Alexia felt a deep desire to understand her better, to connect with her on a level that transcended words.

Amanda's eyes softened as she read Alexia's questions, a gentle smile playing on her lips. Taking the notepad in hand, she began to write, her pen gliding across the page with a sense of purpose.

As Amanda shared stories of her childhood, of growing up in a world where sound was a distant memory, Alexia listened intently, hanging on to every word. And when Amanda spoke of the challenges she faced as a deaf woman, of the barriers she had to overcome and the moments of triumph that made it all worth it, Alexia felt a sense of admiration swell within her.

Handing the notepad back to Alexia, Amanda met her gaze with a look of understanding. "Being deaf has its challenges," she wrote, her handwriting neat and precise. "But it's also given me a unique perspective on the world. It's made me who I am today."

As Alexia read Amanda's words, a sense of admiration washed over her. Here was a woman who had faced her own set of challenges with grace and resilience, who had risen above adversity to become the incredible person sitting before her.

As Alexia sipped her coffee, she couldn't help but notice the shy blush that crept onto Amanda's cheeks at her compliment. With a warm smile, she reached for the notepad, her heart pounding with anticipation.

"You make the best coffee, Amanda," Alexia wrote, her pen gliding across the page with ease. "It's always perfect."

Handing the notepad back to Amanda, Alexia watched as Amanda's eyes lit up with surprise and gratitude. With a shy smile, Amanda accepted the notepad, her cheeks flushing with color as she read Alexia's words.

As their eyes met, a silent understanding passed between them—a connection forged through shared moments and heartfelt conversations. And in that moment, Alexia knew that she had found not just a friend, but a kindred spirit—one who understood her in ways she couldn't explain.

With a sense of determination, Alexia reached for the notepad again, her fingers tracing the outline of her phone number with care. With a smiley face doodle in the margin, she handed the notepad back to Amanda, her heart pounding with nervous excitement.

"I have to get going," Alexia wrote, her voice tinged with regret. "But I'd love to see you again. Here's my number."

Amanda's eyes widened in surprise as she read Alexia's message, a smile spreading across her face. With a sense of gratitude, she reached out and enveloped Alexia in a warm hug, the embrace filled with unspoken emotions.

As they pulled apart, Amanda reached for her phone, her fingers flying across the screen as she added Alexia's number with care. With a smile, she showed Alexia the screen, a sense of excitement shining in her eyes.

"I'll text you," Amanda wrote, her handwriting slightly shaky with nerves. "I'd love to see you again, too."

With a final smile, Alexia bid Amanda farewell, a sense of anticipation bubbling within her. For in Amanda, she had found not just a friend, but a kindred spirit—one who had touched her heart in ways she couldn't explain. And as she made her way home, her heart filled with hope and excitement for the future that lay ahead.

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