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chapter 1: first encounter


"jake, please it is very important" jaeyun's secretary areum sighed as the said boy was not even lisstening to her and kept on denying

"i said i don't want to go areum" jaeyun again said the same answer making areum groan as she stomped put of the office

areum dialed a number waiting for the person to pick it up,as soon as the line got connected areum spoke "jake keeps on denying,i think you have to convince him,sir"

the person on the other line sighed "okay,I'll try" areum nodded "have agreat day sir" she declined the call and sighed in relief

she sat on the couch closing her eyes feeling tired,jaeyun is a stubborn boy,once he decides something he will only do what he decided

she closed her eyes falling into a deep slumber not caring about the world

jaeyun's office

jaeyun's phone rang indicating someone called,he picked up the phone not seeing the name

"hello" he spoke

"sim jaeyun,how many time i have to say that you are going to the meeting?!" jaeyun just sighed knowing he will recieve a scolding from his father

"father,i am just tired and i dont wanna go" he whined like a 5 year old

"you are going and it is final,wether you like it or not...you are one of the top 7 mafias so it is very important meeting" 

"fine,but tell me who are coming in this meeting" he got up from his chair walking to his room

"all the top 7 mafia would be there" jaeyun felt a wave of exitement rush through his body

"you mean the mafia king ethan would be there too?" he exitedly asled his father "yes"

"when is the meeting" he eagerly asked his father who chuckled

"its today at 6pm,areum will accompny you there" his father informed him

"okay" he cut the call and exitedly jumped,he couldn't believe that his role model would be there too

he checked the time,it was 2,o'clock that means he had 4 hours to get ready

jaeyun laid on his bed and set an alarm at 4,o'clock as he closed his eyes


"SIM JAEYUN,FOR CRYING OUT LOUD WAKE UP" aerum yelled now snatching his blanket

"what the hell" he sat furiously on his bed trying to recognise his surroundings

"get up you have to get ready,we only have 40 minutes" jaeyun's eyes widen and he rushed to the bathroom

"your outfit is in the closet,put it on and come quickly" areum informed him going to get ready


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