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he nervously fiddled with his fingers walking back and forth, the wedding came early then expected

today, he was going to marry the love of his life, so why wouldn't be he nervous

"calm down mom, when i got married i was also nervous but trust me, you will enjoy every minute of your wedding"

"your advise don't make my anxiety less sunoo-yah" sunoo chuckled and made him sit on the sofa

"don't move from here you will be okay"

"is jay here?" he asked ni-ki who nodded, "he said he will enter when the wedding will start"

"i feel bad for them" jaeyun agreed with ni-ki "poor jay"

soon his father entered the room "dad" he stood up and hugged his father

"oh my boy, i can't believe you are getting married today" his dad chuckled seeing him anxious

"your groom there is more dramatic than you, he refused to stand at the stage saying that he don't have the courage" jaeyun chuckled shaking his head at heeseung's silliness

"its time to go...shall we?" jaeyun smiled and nodded


"and here comes the groom" heeseung felt his heartbeat increase, he forgot how to breath for a moment as he watched his soon to be husband walking down the asile with his father

"heeseung..." sunghoon called him but he didn't listened as h was busy staring at the enternal beauty infront of him

he came out of his trance when sunghoon hit him hard on his shoulder

"SAEKKI" heeseung suddenly yelled at sunghoon

heeseung was about to throw hands when he heard someone clear their throat

heeseung realised that jaeyun was standing infront of him, jaeyun smiled

his dad shook his head and placed jaeyun's hand in his big ones

"take care of him" heeseung smiled at his dad "i will"

they faced eachother and the ceremony started

"do you, sim jaeyun take lee heeseung as your lawfully wedded husband and promise to be with him through poor, rich, happy or sad"

jaeyun took a deep breath staring in heeseung's eyes "i do"

heeseung felt goosebumps on his skin, it was his turn to say i do

heeseung nervously swallowed the lump in his throat saying "i do"


he smiled as he witnessed the wedding, remembring his wedding, jungwon looked down and smiled sadly, he suddenly remembered his husband

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