Chapter 1: Finally at Whale Island!

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You're POV

Finally! I though, getting off the boat that brought me here, Whale Island. I looked at my surroundings. Its very pretty here, there are shops everywhere and a lot of wilderness! I sigh, stretching a bit. Yay, I always wanted to come here! And, finally, I'm here!

I started wondering the streets of this very pretty island. Turning corners and exploring different shops... until I bumped into someone and fell on my butt. "Owwie..." I mumble, placing a hand on my head.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear..." I looked up to see a lady. She looked older... She extended a hand to help me up. I gladly took it. "Sorry, I wasn't looking were I was going!!" I said. She chuckled. "No, its ok. I'm Mito" She said, smiling. She had red hair. To be honest, she looked pretty. I already like her! "I'm (Y/n), Thank you for helping me up Mito-Sama." I said, sheepishly. She chuckled. " No, call me Mito-San" She said. "Well, if you're sure, Mito-San" I said, smiling.

"Did you move here? I never saw you here..." She asked. I shook my head, "Oh, no.... I, uh, just came here. I heard it was a very pretty and quiet place..." I said. She nods. "Do you have anywhere to stay?" She asked. I shook my head, "No, I don't...." I said, trailing off. She smiled. "You can stay with me for a while if you would like? You can stay in the spare bedroom." She said. "Oh No... I couldn't! That's asking to mu--" I was cut off. "I insist, Please, you don't want to stay out in the cold, right?" She said grinning. "I guess so-" "Great! Lets get going then!" She said. I followed her up to her house.

She walked in and showed me to the guest bedroom, which was across from another bedroom. "Hey, Mito-San... Who's bedroom is that?" I asked, pointing at the bedroom across from mine. She smiled while looking at it and said "My nephew, Gon. He's coming home soon, actually. I'm really excited to see him again..." She said, I nodded. "Well, after you're done placing you're stuff, Can you help me with dinner?" She asked. I nodded happily. "Yes, of course Mito-San." She nodded and left me to unpack some of my stuff.

Five minutes passed and I just shrugged, leaving the room and going in the kitchen to meet with Mito-San. "Lets Cook!!!" I shouted playfully. She smiled.

Even though I didn't have a single clue on cooking, I tried anyways. We ended up making some fish that Mito-San had brought home from her job.

She placed the plates on the table and I sat beside her. "So, can I ask you how old you are, (Y/n)?" She asked. "I'm 14..." I said, nodding. "Oh, My nephew is 14, Maybe you two can be friends. He gets back in two days!" She said, smiling. "You're making me excited, Mito-San!!" I shouted, playfully. She chuckled. "So, is there a reason why you came to whale island?" Mito-San asked. I slightly nodded. "Well... its long story...." I said. "Okay, I'm not going anywhere." She said. I sigh. "Okay, I did the Hunter Exam, and passed, which was very unexpected. After I learned Nen and all that stuff, I decided to travel! I though it would be fun to help innocent people with there work!" I shouted. "You're a nice person, you know that (Y/n)." Mito-San said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I g-guess..." I said, trailing off. "Okay, go get ready to go to bed. If you wanna go to the washroom, its the room at the left at the end of the hallway." Mito-san said pointing at the direction. I nod, getting up and running in my room.

As I burst threw the door of my room, I hopped on my bed, rolling around the soft sheets. I yawn, I grabbed my phone to see what time it was. 7:29pm. I yawn again, taking my (f/c) pjs out of my bag and running to the washroom. I take a shower, Dry my hair and put my pjs on. As I walk out of the washroom, I meet with Mito-San. "Good night (Y/n)" She said, smiling. "Good night!" I say, running towards my room and closing the door. I hop on my bed and look up at the ceiling.

Time passes but I still cant sleep!! I sigh, looking at the clock on the nightstand. 11:00pm on the dot. "Uh... ok?" I whisper. I slowly get up, trying to make as less noise as possible, and switch my pjs for a white dress. I brush my hair and tie it in a pony tail. I put my brown boots that were by the door, and, I jump out the window.

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