Wake up.

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That was the last thing SMG3 had heard before he blacked out.

After god knows how long, he awoke suddenly with a jolt, stumbling to his feet. SMG3 breathed heavily, the part of his body which had been in contact with the ground being stained with red liquid which the smell of could only be described as decaying corpse. He coughed and wheezed at the disgusting smell, trying to wipe it off his face the best he could. "fuck-.." SMG3 winced, his head pounding as the adrenaline finally wore off. He put a hand to his forehead, frowned and squinted "where the hell am i.." SMG3 looked around the room, the walls made of a flesh-y red substance which SMG3 thought could be the cause of the disgusting liquid and smell. When he looked around, his eyes widened as he finally came to his senses "SMG4.. SHIT- SMG4!" he yelled "I NEED TO-" SMG3's first instinct was to run, but that was quickly proven impossible as he slipped to the ground once more. "ouch.." SMG3 whined as he opened his eyes. his hat, which he had almost forgotten in his haste, laying infront of him. "I'm.. not putting that back on." He cringed as he picked the disgusting red-liquid-covered hat up with two fingers, pushing himself back onto his feet and tossing it to the side. now that he had calmed down a little, SMG3 slowly started making his way to.. well, wherever his feet took him.

He had been walking for almost 10 minutes. There was no sign of change, and no sign of his.. friends. "Ugh.." SMG3 hated calling those idiots that, but now that he was alone.. he wished nothing more than to hear Mario's constant idiotic remarks and Meggy's constant Nagging again. oh.. and he can't forget SMG4. The biggest idiot of them all. He was completely lost in his thoughts.. and then his head came in contact with something hard infront of him. "son of a—" he groaned as he held his head and backed up. Every wall was soft and flesh-y, so when this thing wasn't he.. "huh?.." he looked up, inspecting it up and down. "a door!" SMG3 exclaimed, relieved to finally see something other than an endless hall of flesh. "Finally something made of wood.." He mumbled as he walked towards the door slowly, pressing his hands against the dampened wood, pushing the door open with one quick swoop. His eyes trailed around the room infront of him, the atmosphere and smell not getting any better the deeper he walked into this hellhole. it could even be getting worse.

This room.. SMG3 recognized this room. He remembered being dragged away from SMG4 and the others through here. So that would mean.. "SMG4 MAN! IM COMING!" He shouted, Walking through the door and quickly makings his way to the other side of the room. He was about halfway when— "HOLY-" He shrieked as his foot suddenly sunk into the floor "ewww.." he took a step back, his whole shoe now covered in the same gooey red liquid he woke up in "just great, more of that.. stuff. Urgh, I don't even wanna know what it is.." he looked ahead, as he raised his eyebrow "well.. I'm gonna have to go through there if I don't wanna die painfully and slowly of starvation." The whole way ahead of him was basically a POND of that same liquid and it smelled and looked absolutely horrendous "I wouldn't even be surprised if something grabbed my foot in there." SMG3 joked, trying to better his own mood. "here goes nothing I guess.." he looked around nervously, the walls seemingly having eyes watching his every move. When he finally got the courage, he took another step forward, his foot landing in the sludge which made a disgusting sloshing noise "ew..ew..ew..ew.." SMG3 whined, but kept trying to move forward without throwing up on the spot. He looked down almost all the way to make sure that nothing came after him from below, but when he quickly looked up to see how far he had gotten, he saw another doorway. "aha!" He laughed, moving as quick as the liquid allowed him to without getting his clothes dirtier than they already are. He was almost there. No– almost out of there. But of course the universe hated him and– "WOAH-" he fell over when he felt something actually grab his feet. He caught himself before he could submerge in the liquid completely, swinging his arms around in a panic for anything to hold onto. "need– something–" SMG3 mumbled, frantically looking around. His eyes landed on a loose sharp stick in the wall, presumably previously from something that had been swallowed by the.. flesh. He dragged his body over to the wall as close as he could get and with all his strength– managed to pull the sharpened stick out of the wall. He shut his eyes, and quickly stabbed blindly at the area next to his foot, hoping he wouldn't stab himself in the process..

To his relief, he felt whatever it was let him go, and he quickly scrambled over to the other side before that thing came back for revenge. He panted as he crawled out of the liquid, looking at the stick– well.. spear? In his hand. "This.. could be kinda useful? I'm gonna hold onto this thing for now.. I don't know.. what else is down here." He shuddered at the thought of what else this flesh pit could house. He caught his breath, pushing his hair back and pushing himself back onto his feet once more. "alright! Let me continue on through this.. beautiful hellhole!" He said sarcastically. SMG3 took one last look at the sludge lake, before finally turning around and continuing to walk down another long corridor. After about 2 minutes of walking, he finally saw a change. The hall split into 3 different ways. Which was.. not good for SMG3's situation, as this would make it painfully harder to find his friends. "left, right or middle?.. is this some kind of maze crap?" he hissed. but even if he wanted to, there was no going back. as the other side, a dead end, was just as bad, maybe even worse. He looked at all of the different halls, but he couldn't remember anything about which way he came from. his mind was a complete haze. He was a complete mix of pain, fear and confusion. "Fuck it. Left first. I can always go back if it's a bust." He said to himself, clenching the stick in his fist to make sure he can quickly stab anything that decides to come at him.

When he made his way down the left corridor slowly, he got an uneasy feeling. Like something– or.. someone was watching him, and it wasn't just the millions of eyes on the wall which seemed to follow him and watch his every move. "Everything's fine, 3. everything's–" he stopped mid sentence as he suddenly heard something from directly infront of him. He quickly scrambled behind a little mound on the side of the hall, poking his head out just enough so he could see what exactly was making all the ruckus. Someone was moving in the Shadows. It was clearly an other person's silhouette but.. something was clearly off. Whoever it was, was dragging their body along like some kind of zombie. "What the fuck.." He mumbled quietly, as he squinted to try and get a better look at this supposed person.

Even if SMG3 kept his voice as low and quiet as he possibly could, the thing seemed to have way better hearing than he had because it started slowly making its way towards him out of the dark, causing him to duck down lower but not low enough so he couldn't look over the mound. Well, if he dies now atleast he got to see what exactly– "wait.. it can't be.." his eyes widened, staring in disbelief.

The person dragged themselves into the light, and he froze once he saw..

"Wait– Is That–"


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