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SMG3 yelled before he even realized what he had just done. He quickly put a hand over his mouth and completely ducked down, hoping that she'd maybe not seen him. But.. the footsteps getting closer to him seemed to suggest otherwise. He looked down at the spear in his hand, blinking a couple times. He would use it on her if he needed, even if he didn't have the will to do so. He held his breath nervously as the footsteps grew nearer, pressing himself up against the mound to make himself as small as possible. This wasn't the Meggy he knew, oh no. This was a brainless husk of what once was–

He looked down for a second, and before he knew it, the footsteps had stopped. Relieved, he sighed happily before lifting his head.. and Meggy was standing right next to him on his right just a couple feet away. "AAAAAH!–" He Shrieked, as he fell over. In the process the spear had fallen out of his hand, but he quickly retrieved it and pointed it at her. "IM NOT AT ALL SCARED OF.. you?" SMG3 tried to be intimidating, but he didn't really need to be.. she didn't attack.. or anything, basically. She just stood there. This was clearly Meggy. But.. her appearance and behavior was off. She had those same disturbing white eyes and pink.. stuff over her body, which SMG4 had had aswell the last time he'd seen him. But. most of all, she just seemed.. Absent. SMG3 slowly got closer to her, keeping the Spear raised incase she did try anything. But Meggy just stared at him blankly and tilted her head like some kind of curious animal. "Meggy.. is it really you?.." he asked like she would be able to properly respond in the state she was in. And, to no ones surprise, all he got back was a blank stare. "do you.. understand me?" SMG3 asked, lowering his Spear slowly. And once more, just a blank stare. He huffed "right.. what did I expect more from this place." he sat down on something that was relatively dry just to rest his legs for a second. No one had told him that panic and fear could be so exhausting. His eyes drifted over to Meggy as he rested his head on his knees "y'know, in any other circumstances I wouldn't mind you being quiet, but right now I want nothing more than to hear you complain again." He started talking to her like she had any way or will to respond to what he was saying. "I just want everything to go back to normal. Is that too much to ask!?" He asked looking over at Meggy, clearly frustrated. "it is, isn't it?" He frowned, fidgeting with the spear in his hands. SMG3 had found Meggy. exactly what he wanted to do ever since he woke up here. But now that she was standing infront of him like this, he wished that he had never woken up at all. 3 was snapped out of his thoughts as Meggy slumped down next to him. "is this your way of trying to make me feel better? I don't need your pity." SMG3 spat, but it didn't seem like she was leaving his side anytime soon.

"you're.. really creepy." He paused for a second, before he sighed "we can.. continue on together. Pretty sure that the old Meggy is still in there somewhere, and we need to find Mario and SMG4 to get her back." SMG3 forced a smile, placing a hand on Meggy's shoulder. She stared for a few seconds, before she actually, genuinely smiled at him. Geez. She must be seriously braindead. how could she smile in these circumstances? That was not the Meggy he knew who always nagged and educated him about the smallest things. They sat there in silence for a few minutes, before SMG3 got up and stretched "right, can't afford to rest for too long. You comin?'" He asked looking over at Meggy, which in return, kept staring at him "I'll just.. take that as a yes.." he mumbled, and when he started walking, she was soon following behind him. "so, to find SMG4 we need to search this place top to bottom, no corners left unchecked. Got that?" He said, and she blinked a couple of times before finally nodding. SMG3 paused "hey, you actually do understand me.. good to know." He said, but then kept walking ahead so they could stay on track and maybe get out of this disturbing nightmare as soon as possible.

Together, they checked a bunch of rooms thoroughly, but either it was all dead ends or walking in complete circles. none of the entrances lead to SMG4's room, which wasn't good for their situation. SMG3 had lost the concept of time, so he had no idea if they had been searching for hours or just minutes, it was super great that none of the clocks survived this mess. He snapped his fingers "oi, Meggy." She turned her head towards him swiftly "I'm tired. I think it'd be best if we looked for a place to rest, atleast for a little." He suggested, his legs aching from the constant walking. Meggy didn't try to stop him as he looked for a place that was safe enough for them to take a break, but she did continue searching without him for a while.. without luck.

SMG3 had looked through a series of rooms too, but in all of them he rather felt uneasy because of the eyeballs on the walls watching him, he saw something move in the corner of his eye or it was so disgusting he almost barfed. Exhausted and close to passing out, he finally managed to find a room mostly untouched by the flesh. Even if he couldn't recognize in which part of the castle he was, it looked better than the rest. Atleast they had a solid floor with little to no red liquid dripping onto it, and a wall completely eyeball-less. "this'll.. have to do for now." He looked around, before he heard footsteps coming his way. He looked in the doorway, and Meggy stepped out of the shadow. "no idea how you found me here so quick.. no luck?" 3 asked, and Meggy just shook her head "just great.." he sighed, sliding down onto the floor. "you can sit down too y'know, no need to be the strong one here. It's okay if your tired." He raised his eyebrow, and Meggy didn't react and didn't sit down either. "geez.. what did 4 do to you? You seem so.. soulless. Atleast more than before." He huffed. SMG3 didn't admit it to anyone, but he was very much scared. scared for his.. friends and most of all, SMG4. 4 had been hurting for so long and thought he had to hide it from his friends. before things had escalated he saw what 4 thought of himself. Maybe if he had treated him better he would be alright and–

He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a pair of arms around him. Meggy had.. hugged him. Did she know what he was thinking? Well, her being a mind reader was absolutely a possibility. "UGH–.. let me go! I'm fine." He hissed and pushed Meggy away, choosing not to show his weakness. "you go do whatever.. I'm just gonna take a small nap." He shooed her away, and laid down on the cold floor using his arms as a pillow. "maybe this is all just a horrible nightmare.. and I'll wake up and everything will be back to normal." He mumbled to himself, before he closed his eyes.



SMG4 yelled as he slammed his head onto his keyboard. Clenching his fists. "it's not perfect.." he laughed, pushing his hair back with his hands. He stared at the computer screen for a second, and it finally hit him. "SMG3 is missing. A third sacrifice is needed for the PERFECT video!" he typed on his keyboard once more "ITS GOTTA BE PERFECT!" He repeatedly mumbled. "finding him won't be hard. I'll have my perfect video if it's the LAST thing I do." Once he finished the sentence, the pink lines on his body grew longer. But it'll be okay.



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