Hospital, Police, Chaos : Duckie Pajamas

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As I stood amidst the chaos, I couldn't help but feel like I'd stumbled into the middle of a sitcom gone horribly awry. Here I was, wearing nothing but a hoodie and duckie pajama bottoms, trying to make sense of the madness unfolding before me.

Let's recap, shall we? Jimin had called me in a panic because he thought he was being stalked by honey eyes, who in turn believed that Jimin was the shadow stalker. And to make matters worse, honey eyes happened to be a trainee at our company, which explained why they kept running into each other at the nearby stores and cafes, because the female and male dormitories of our company were a mere block away. Seriously, it was like something straight out of a cheesy romantic comedy.

But the real kicker? They had managed to wake up the entire company of BigHit with their antics, and now we were all standing around like a bunch of bewildered chickens while the police tried to sort out the mess.

I sighed heavily, rubbing my temples in frustration. This was not how I envisioned spending my night—surrounded by PR managers, staff, and my own bleary-eyed members, all trying to make sense of the madness.

And there I was, clad in my ridiculous pajamas, feeling like the punchline of some cosmic joke. Great, just great. If this wasn't a textbook definition of a comedy of errors, I didn't know what was.

But as I glanced over at Jimin and honey eyes—both sound asleep on stretchers in the ambulance—I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy. They may have caused this whole mess, but deep down, I knew they were just two lost souls caught up in their own whirlwind of confusion and misunderstanding.

As the chaos continued to swirl around us, I made a mental note to never underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. Because clearly, it was the one thing we all desperately needed right now.

Amidst the commotion, Daphne, our trusty staff member and honey eyes manager, was trying to maintain some semblance of order. She was barking orders left and right, her usually calm demeanor replaced by a frazzled sense of urgency. 

"Get those statements ready for the press, and make sure the rest of the trainees are accounted for!" she called out, her voice cutting through the din of voices.

Meanwhile, our PR team was scrambling to do damage control, drafting up explanations and apologies faster than you could say "public relations nightmare." It was like watching a well-oiled machine kick into overdrive, fueled by caffeine and sheer desperation.

And then there were my fellow members, each dealing with the situation in their own unique way. Jin hyung was busy trying to smooth things over with the police, his trademark charm turned up to eleven. Meanwhile, Yoongi hyung was leaning against the ambulance, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else but here.

As for Jungkook, well, he was taking full advantage of the chaos to snap some selfies with the police officers. Leave it to our golden maknae to find the silver lining in even the most absurd situations.

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