New Encounters 😊😡😒

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>>> Recap:

Hi I am Kim Yoonseo.. this a story of th day I went on a blind date .. and how my life changed completely after that day .. I went on a blind date to meet a guy with grey hair and a blue eyes and I met one"Jimin" .. we had a good talk but after a while of talking I knew that he wasn't the person whom I came to meet and the most embarrassing part was that the person I came to meet was actually sitting behind me "Seokjin".. by talking we came to know that Jimin was actually blind and he came to meet his doctor .. i got so uncomfortable after that but not to ruin Seokjin's day I went on a little date with Seokjin and he was so sweet not to blame me or make fun of me ... I went back home and met Hoseok to tell him what happened with me .. He was angry on me first but then he was fine with what ever happened .. I notice Hoseok a little off so I asked him

Hoseok: am sure you both can work it out .. I love you both and I trust you too ..

Yoon: what's with those wet tissues on the desk?

Hoseok: ha... nothing? I was coloring and just some colors got..

Yoon: Hoseok... when I came close to shout in your ear I saw the dried trails of tears on you cheeks ... your mother called you  didn't she?

Hoseok lowered his head in sadness and his eyes got filled with tears again .. he said with a low sad voice : Yes...

Yoon: why aren't you happy? You were already missing her!!

Hoseok: she didn't call me to ask about me .. i was missing her but she wasn't.. her husband is going to crack a big and important deal soon .. so she want to gift him a designer tuxedo..

I went silent because this is what she usually do to him .. when she call him it's only because of something she want from him .. never to ask about him .. never to see if he is alive or not  ..

Yoon: you didn't get angry on her for that... did you?

Hoseok: what's the use of being angry .. it won't matter with her ...

Yoon: don't say this .. she is your mother (inside me I knew he is right .. No mother would leave her son in an orphanage if he matters to her )

Hoseok: it's ok Yoon .. I promised her to send her order as soon as possible ... I was working on it .. let me just .. ( moving toward his table again to continue designing.. but I held his arm to stop him)

Yoon: stop... you haven't slept since yesterday Hoseok.. sleep a little and then continue ...

Hoseok: *jokingly complaining* Well .. I was sleeping peacefully .. when some people couldn't bare my cute Angel look

Yoon: (i didn't want to joke about his sleep ) right .. that's why .. am telling you now .. Lay down and SLEEEP

Hoseok: Yoon what are you doing (I was pushing him to lay on the bed and sleep)  Yoon you know I can't sleep like this

Yoon: and I know how you WILL.. lay down comeon( I was seriously and strictly pulling him to bed) sleep .. put your head here( tapping on my lap)

Hoseok; Yoon please ... it's ok .. you don't have to do it


Hoseok: ok.. ( laid his head on my lap and I put my hand on his eyes ) Yoon... you don't ..

Yoon: I want to do it right now.. it's not like I don't know .. please don't be awkward as if am a stranger

Hoseok: it's not that.. I was trying to be used to sleep without your help .. so it won't creat any kind of trouble if you couple with someone ..

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