The beginning of it all,

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It seems I could never believe in a god anymore,
The events I've experienced and what I've been subjected to,
Forced to suffer,
My home is my prison,
My loved one is my warden.
Not corrupt,
But corrupted by the wrongdoings of her own parents,
The domino effect.
The narrative need changing.
My home reduced to the weekend animal cage,
My regular chains.

Never had trust in my peers,
Never could steer the fear,
Of being judged,
Of being ripped away from my mother which I so strongly depend on.

I could never usher a word.
I can't get help,
They strip me away.
They remove me from my home,
I guess I live in a dilemma.
And I'll be stuck for the time being.

This book is going to have poetry like this, so you won't be thrown a curveball
when you read through it!

Poetry for me is a tool which helps me vent my emotions, I started a little while ago, no longer than a month or so writing poetry to help me with regulating my emotions. I've created some great pieces in my time of doing so, here to share them with you.

Without further ado, I hope you enjoy my masterful gallery of poetry, and sometimes even a bit of wisdom too!

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