Escape the Cyclone.

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A special task was put on to me,
"Change the narrative" as I've been told,
Forge a different destiny,
A new chapter unseen,
By the likes of those before me.
Fatherhood, bold and bright,
Bring what I don't have unto my own,
Disrupt the binding of drugs,
Halt the abusive nature,
"Change the narrative".

Decency, a compass so true,
Yet unknown,
That much is sure,
The past stares me in the mirror,
And the past of others and their wrongdoings,
Like my father and his father before him,
Whilst the future holds me tight and turns me around,
It tells me "the future is bright".

So I must break patterns and stand tall,
To fix this family's stall,
In my hands, the chapter is turned,
A new narrative, new to the likes of my family,
One you would consider ordinary.

"We are creatures of change, yet we struggle to accept it. But change everyone desires."

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