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My eyes burn from the aftermath,
A sleepless night,
The day is harsh and bright.
My tired eyes burn,
As they struggle to keep up.
Each blink a burden,
My mind is worn,
My body is internally bruised.
I wobble as I stand,
Close to succumbing to fatigue,
Caused by the events of the day prior.
My life could've been lost,
Will I ever feel safe in my own home again?

Her threats and her violence,
A weight on my soul.
I continue to suffer at the hands of the fiendish drink,
Alcoholism is more powerful than you think.
Her drunken outbursts,
I'm vulnerable in the night.
My life is a wreck,
No pretty sight.
I have my whole future on the line in the coming months,
Education has held great importance,
It's hard to keep up with the looming darkness that is my only parent.
Who hovers over my shoulder like secret police.
The aftermath has hit me hard,
I don't know if I can keep doing this.
I can't keep up,
I'm falling behind.
It's catching up with my mind.
I can't keep doing this,
What's to come next?

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