The beginning (fluff)

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Hi Author here I don't know how to start it so why not at the beginning, this will be the base for the rest of the oneshots unless said otherwise
Image isn't mine btw
I was walking home from middle school as my mind wandered to the mountain of homework I had to finish.
I turned the corner to see him, Aizawa, he was walking home alone as usual
"What a weirdo," I thought, I didn't hate him I found him annoying though, on our first day of school I wanted to talk to him but he just ignored me, and ever since then we were 'rivals',

I decided to be petty and tease him, not like I had anything better to do.
"Aizawa-san you look lonely if you pay me I'll pretend to be your friend but I may not be so enthusiastic about it" I said with a bitter sweet smile

Aizawa only rolled his eyes
"Can I pay you to leave me alone Sirn"

"Aizawa-san that's not very nice I'm only trying to help you"

Our back and forth continues as we walked home, something inside of me enjoyed hearing his voice even if it was cold and stern.

As we turned the corner we were stopped by some bullies from school, they in particular would always go after me because of my feminine appearance and small size

They encircled us and started their teasing, I felt weak I knew I wasn't supposed to care about what they said but I did. My eyes began to water and I turned my head so Aizawa wouldn't see me cry, I didn't want him to see me weak and my head was racing until he spoke up.

"Leave him alone don't you have anything better to do with your time" Aizawa said as he held my hand, he flinched because of how cold they were but still continued to hold them.

The bullies didn't back down and there was a back and forth until they eventually gave up and went home.

Aizawa looked down at me he still looked cold but a small hint of concern shone in his eyes
"Sirn are you okay,"

Those words instantly broke me I started crying and sniffing
He didn't say anything he just hugged me, even though I was cold like ice he still hugged me and it was nice
For once in my life someone else other than my adoptive mother made me feel warm inside. My quirk would always make me cold no matter what yet he still held and hugged me. A tiny bit of light pink blush came on my cheeks and my stomach was doing summer salts.

We hugged until I stopped crying and he walked me home not saying a word and still holding my hand and the next day he acted like nothing happened, everything was back to normal, the usual back and forth. But I for a very long time would wonder why

Why did he do that
Why did he stand up for me
Why did he hug and hold my hand
why did I like it

Hi I hope you like it if you have any ideas please feel free to tell me

Words: 530 words

My cherry blossom ( Aizawa x OC ) One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now