Truly alone (angst)

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Hi Author here I still don't know what I'm doing but I'm still going to try
Btw I think spoilers but I'm not really sure
I know it's cheesy but bare with me

I walked through the hallway of U.A despite what my older sister told me I got in though not in 1-A but 1-B I still got in and that was good enough for me.

I bumped into Aizawa, great the last person I wanted to see,
"My my Aizawa-san still an air head I see" I said with a sweet smile and an annoyed look
Aizawa didn't answer just sighed and continued to walk
"Aizawa-san what's wrong did your eardrums finally pop from carrying your massive ego" I teased and Aizawa just kept walking and ignoring me

As we continued to walk I started to get frustrated, normally he would clap back or tell me to go away, it made me feel invisible and it kinda hurt, is that weird.

He entered his class and went to talk to his friends, Oboro and Hizashi.
I was shocked and stopped at the doorway and turned and went back to my classroom

My mind only had one question

Why doesn't he want to be my friend

Why won't he talk to me, am I really that annoying

He doesn't want to be friends with someone who can barely use his powers

Those words rang through my head
Those were my sister's words when I would tell her my troubles

Was she right
Was I really that useless

I sighed and tried my best not to cry as I went into my classroom
Were I sat at the back of the classroom not talking to anyone

Truly alone

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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