Coffee With The Night

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"Only a quick visit, huh?" Klein mused, delight flickering through his mind. Goddess Evernight was the only divine one he had any semblance of collaboration with, so a letter from her isn't much of a surprise. The message suggested a brief encounter in his dreams, something he found overly formal yet appreciated the forewarning.

Knowing ahead is always preferable.

With that settled, Klein's figure and demeanor underwent an immediate transformation, embracing the persona of Otis. Despite sleep being futile in his current state, he preferred to maintain a semblance of humanity in this persona.

Intrigued by what form of payment Evernight had offered Miss Messenger, he looked forward to their upcoming meeting. As his thoughts wandered, he gradually succumbed to a state resembling sleep.

The quiet of night was punctured by a soft, recurring sound of honking, stirring Klein from his reverie. It was a noise oddly reminiscent of times long past, yet carried an unfamiliarity that pricked at his consciousness, stirring a deep, nostalgic longing within his soul.

As his eyes adjusted to the ambient light, clarity slowly unveiled the scene before him: he was in a coffee shop, nestled in the heart of a city. From the windows, Klein watched the chaotic symphony of the busy street. Cars zipped by, their steel bodies flashing in the sunlight. Distinct in its ambiance and the patrons it attracted, their conversations were a blend of unknown dialects.

The individuals bore a resemblance to what Klein was already accustomed to, yet their contemporary clothes caught his eyes.

Klein found himself seated at a circular table, clad in a simple t-shirt that, while unremarkable, did not quite fit the casual observer's category. A wave of nostalgia washed over him, a recollection of battles fought and a life once lived in simplicity. Yet, any semblance of sorrow for the life he once yearned to return to was absent; those days of hope had long since faded into acceptance.

His gaze wandered, curious and discerning, taking in the details of this dreamlike setting. But before he could delve deeper into his observations, a delicate intrusion into his reverie drew his attention towards the entrance.

There, a woman of striking figure and a composed aura made her entrance. Her black attire was simple yet elegant, her dark blue hair accentuated by a golden butterfly clip, radiating a presence that was both commanding and gentle. Her gaze held the allure of dark gold, concealing her deepest thoughts within the darkness. Her features suggested an inherent divine beauty, though a sophisticated black veil obscured her upper visage from full admiration. Apart from that, she appeared to be a regular human without any additional arms.

Recognizing Amanises, Klein observed internally.

'She' truly possess a beauty worthy of the Goddess, despite 'Her' face not being fully exposed.

Amanises drifted towards him, 'Her' approach marked by a quiet elegance, 'Her' very being seemingly invisible to those around. Their eyes met, a silent acknowledgement passed between them as 'She' drew closer. 'She' swiftly took 'Her' place before him.

With a voice both ethereal and tranquil, Amanises spoke first, "I hope this place is to your liking."

Klein, looking around, reflected, "It does bring back some old memories, though I'm not familiar with the local language they speak here."

"That makes sense, given this home is more mine than yours," Amanises clarified with a delicate smile.

With this clarification, Klein confirmed the signs he had encountered, the language spoken here had either Germanic or Latin roots. As for which European language it was, he had no idea. He experienced a slight remorse for not having devoted more attention to his language studies in the past.

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