Part Fifteen

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Vlad sat in his office by himself. Skulker had left hours ago. He hated to admit it, but the hurt he saw on Danny's face before he left made him feel guilty, a feeling he had never had before. He stood and made his way to the kitchen. He entered the kitchen and paused. Danny's cereal froot loop was on the counter. Vlad remembered how Danny had given him puppy eyes to get Vlad to try the sugary, sweet cereal.

Vlad walked over, picked up the box, and looked at the bluebird with the colorful beak. He threw the box across the room and groaned as it hit the wall, and the contents scattered over the floor. He looked at the mess and turned away. He headed upstairs and paused outside Danny's bedroom door. He placed a hand on the knob and took a deep breath before pushing the door open and entering. He looked around the room, sighing when he could still smell Danny's body wash.

He approached the bedside table and looked at the globe he had given Danny after their first date. He looked at the goo inside and saw it was shaped like two people, both locked in a loving embrace and kissing. They were standing in front of a small house, and Vlad frowned at it. Looking closer, he could see a faint shade of blue in the goo. He also noticed that the two figures looked like him and Danny.

The painting on the wall flashed in Vlad's mind, and that's when it registered what the shape of the goo meant. Vlad gasped and stepped back. He was Danny's 'home,' and he used him. He felt a stab in his heart and sat heavily on the bed, running his hand through his hair.

"I have to find Danny," he said, jumping up and running out of the house.

After spending so much time with Danny, Vlad could track him easily. He flew for about two hours before stopping on the outskirts of town. He paused at an old warehouse and looked through the window. He saw Danny standing in an orb in the far corner of the room. Sam was standing in front of his orb. She said something, and Danny replied. He watched as Sam laughed, her head thrown back before she said something that made Danny visibly shrink.

Having seen enough, Vlad blasted the wall, making a hole big enough for him to go through.


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Word count: 407

Re-published: April 26, 2024, 7 pm

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