Chapter 12

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Lina's mom had been sent to her mother's house, which was in the mountains. The doctors believed she would have some peace there. It was the last day of our exams. On the sound of the bell, the teacher took all our papers, and each one of the students ran out of the classroom in delite. After assembling my things when I came out of the classroom, I was pulled in an enormous hug by our whole group.
-"Happy Last Exam Day!!!"
-"Can't believe we all made it through highschool!"
-"Can't say we have, just now. Results are still due."
-"Dude, it's a moment of celebration. Don' t say idiotic things that lead me to slap you hard." said Jay looking at Devon threateningly.
-"Ok ok."

It was surely a moment of celebration. When we entered the house, we could see the whole house decorated with balloons and streamers. Devon's parents were the sort of people who celebrated even the smallest things, so this was no exception.
-"Uncle, Aunty, we still don't know if highschool is over for us."
-"OH Rubbish! We both know you both are going to pass with flying numbers."
-"Yeah, and this was your last exam as highschool students, this deserves a party. Now freshen up and come downstairs. I made your favourites!"

We gave eachother knowing looks and made our way to our room upstairs.

-"You know, I still can't believe we DID make it."
-"Yeah, even though things kinda went downhill at some point, but we are here!"
-"You know what matters most to me?" asked Devon pulling me closer by the waist, "The fact that I am all the way here with you."
I moved my fingers through his silky hair while sighing.
-"Same for me Dev. I am so damn lucky."
-"Me too."

After a grand celebration with about 20 of our favourite dishes we went upstairs to our room, exhausted from eating. We had invited the others to spend the rest of the day with us at our place. We were sitting on the bed just joking around.

-"Can someone just ask me to prom already!? I can't go alone!!!"
-"You can come with me if you want to...."
-"I am not going with someone whose name is JJ."
Everyone started laughing.
-"Wait, aren't you going with Jade?"
-"I am not going to prom. My Grammy has a cornea operation that day. I have to be with her..."
-"Oh no! What a bummer! We'll miss you."
Eleanor squeezed Jade's hand showing sympathy.
Jade smiled.
-"Guys. I could also use with some sympathy right now!"
-"Why don't you go with Kat?" Roger said while smirking.
-"Why doesn't she go with El? That would be fun" said Devon mockingly.
Saying that Charlotte buried her face in the nearest pillow.

Suddenly, we heard a scream coming from outside the house. We all stopped talking and looked at each other. Devon's parents where out on a date, so it wasn't them. We were thinking what to do, when we heard another scream. It was a lady. By the sound of it, the scream was coming from the backyard. As our room was situated at the back of the house, we looked out from the window. It was dark and the only light was coming from the moon. But in that little light, we saw a figure. It was lying on the grass twitching slightly. I gasped as I realised who it was.

-"That's Mrs. Vicent!"

Mrs.Vicent was our neighbour. She and her husband lived alone in the house beside ours.

We ran out of the room and out of the house. When we reached the backyard, we saw her laying there, there are blood on her white gown. We ran to her and flipped her. There was a bloody knife, stabbed inside her chest. She was barely alive.

-"Rog, Jay, help me carry her inside the house. Kathy, get the first aid kit and some water. Ella, go call the ambulance. Jade, go and call Mr.Vincent. He must be in the house."
-"NO! Don't call Mr.Vincent!"
Everyone one turned to look at me.
-"We don't know who did this, we can't call anyone unless we are sure they didn't do this."
-"He wouldn't- IT'S HIS WIFE FOR GOD'S SAKE!"
There was awkwardness in the air as we got Mrs. Vincent inside the house and lay her on the couch. I started to bandage the wound as much as I could. The ambulance arrived in a few minutes and took her to the hospital.

Mrs.Vincent was alive. The cut was treated and it was nothing serious. She had just lost a lot of blood. Mr.Vincent was informed by the authorities and he reached the hospital in five minutes. The knife was taken by the police to investigate. However, there were no fingerprints on the knife.
Mrs.Vincent gained consciousness after a few hours, and her allegations shocked everyone. She said it was Mr.Vincent who attacked her. She said they were having an argument, but she didn't think that he would come home in the evening from work and try to stab her with a knife. Mr. Vincent seemed shocked and confused by the allegations. He said he was at work the whole time, and was informed while he was working. The police took him in for questioning. He was proved not guilty by the police, but not by his wife. She proceeded to divorce him and moved out of town. All these incidents happened so fast, that they are still a blur to me and to us.

We were, obviously, questioned. We told them all we experienced, but this time they held us long, as we were the centre of many, well.....happenings around the town. We didn't blame them for being suspicious, even we were scared. It seemed people's lives were ruining everywhere we passed from.

Devon's parents suggested that we all go for therapy, but we didn't want to. We said that being in each other's presence was therapy enough for us. But God knows, that whenever we were together, we couldn't think anything other than the fact, that this year, our lives had changed drastically. For better and for worse.

Nobody knew, hell was waiting for us....

Thank you all for putting up with my short hiatus. I am really sorry, but my school has started and I have very little time. I will try to post more regularly. Enjoy reading. Byee 🥰

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