Prologue 2: The Birth of An Avatar

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A hush fell over the opulent chambers of Indra's court as a frantic messenger burst through the ornate doors. Panting, he bowed low before the mighty Deva king, his voice trembling as he spoke.

"O Indra, a grave misfortune has befallen us! The fearsome Madhu and Kaitabha, those insatiable demons, have launched a brazen attack upon Brahmaloka! They have stolen the very essence of Brahma's knowledge, the sacred Vedas, entrusted to him by Narayana himself!"

A thunderous frown creased Indra's brow. The loss of the Vedas was a catastrophe. These ancient scriptures held the wisdom and power to maintain cosmic balance. He pondered his next move. His gaze fell upon the empty throne beside him, a silent reminder of his younger brother, Vishnu. Legends whispered of him being an incarnation of the supreme being, Hari himself.

"Find Vishnu," Indra commanded his advisors. "We need his strength to reclaim the stolen knowledge."

The command was swiftly dispatched. However, the messengers, Jaya and Vijaya, returned with a grim report. Vishnu was currently in Yognidra, a state of deep meditation from which he could not be disturbed. Despair threatened to engulf the court.

But then, a glimmer of hope emerged. Devaguru Brihaspati, the wise counselor to the Devas, stepped forward. "Fear not," he declared, his voice firm. "I have someone in mind."

His eyes settled on a young woman radiating grace and power – Mayeshwari. Though not a full-fledged Deva, she was the daughter of the Gandharva King, renowned for her mastery of illusion and lovecraft. More importantly, she was a cherished student of Brihaspati, second only to Vishnu in brilliance.

Mayeshwari, a manifestation of Maya itself, held a unique bond with Vishnu. Unlike others who deferred to the gatekeepers, Jaya and Vijaya, she possessed the rare privilege of entering his chambers regardless of his state. The council watched with bated breath as Mayeshwari, cloaked in an ethereal glow, ventured into Vishnu's abode.

Inside, Vishnu lay in perfect stillness, seemingly oblivious to the chaos brewing outside. Maya, ever-so-gentle, settled beside him and began chanting a specific mantra – one Brihaspati had gleaned from ancient lore. It was said to gently rouse deities from Yognidra.

Slowly, a stir went through Vishnu's form. His eyelids fluttered open, revealing eyes that glittered with newfound power. He had recently delved deep into the secrets of Yognidra, a technique that allowed avatars of Hari to manifest. It was a breakthrough he craved, and Maya had played a crucial role in facilitating it.

As the enormity of the situation dawned upon him, Vishnu's expression hardened. The messengers, dispatched by Indra, elaborated on the theft, revealing that the accursed Asuras had taken the Vedas to a distant planet – Earth.

A surge of indignation coursed through Vishnu. He wasted no time. Mounting his majestic Garuda, the king of birds, he launched himself towards Earth. Yet, as he traversed the vast expanse of space, a peculiar sensation jolted him. Four distinct energies, each as formidable as his own former self, clashed upon the distant planet.

This was a stark anomaly. His recent victory over Vritrasura, the most potent dragon ever born, had cemented his reputation as a prodigy among the Devas. This new power struggle piqued his curiosity. What could be so potent as to match his current level, achieved just hours ago through Maya and Brihaspati's guidance?

A whisper of a theory flickered across his mind. This planet, Earth, could potentially harbor something that would propel him to the level of true divinity – the realm of Hari and Narayana. The prospect filled him with a surge of excitement. Here, he could finally shed the label of an "expansion" of these supreme beings and claim his place as their equal.

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