Prologue 3: The Bronze Age

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A sly smile played on Krishna's lips as the celestial messenger materialized in his opulent court. Decades had passed since his childhood sparring sessions with Parshurama, and Krishna, now a seasoned leader in his thirties, had carved a legend that resonated across the entire planet. Even beings from other celestial realms whispered his name with respect.

The arrival of this Deva messenger, however, wasn't a surprise. It was a delightful confirmation of Parshurama's cryptic words – the wheel of time was indeed turning. Gone were the days of Indra, the brother of Vishnu. Eons had flowed since the inscription of the Akashic records. Krishna, observing the cyclical nature of existence, couldn't help but grin. He was poised to replicate Vishnu's feat, albeit on a grander scale.

The messenger bowed low. "Lord Krishna," he intoned, his voice laden with urgency, "a grave situation has emerged. Narkasura, the vile Asura, has committed a heinous act. He has abducted sixteen thousand celestial maidens, the Devkanyas, and their cries for help echo across the cosmos."

"Some of the Devas intervened," the messenger continued, "but Narkasura's power proved too much for them. We have no choice but to seek your aid, oh powerful one."

Krishna's smile broadened. This wasn't just about aiding the Devas; it was a chance to showcase the power he'd meticulously cultivated over the years. The whispers of him being a living god were pleasant, but mere recognition wasn't his ultimate goal. He readily agreed to assist, his eyes gleaming with a quiet determination that belied his easy acceptance.

The ensuing battle against Narkasura was a display of Krishna's prowess. He emerged victorious, his name etched even deeper in the annals of cosmic history. But his ambitions soared far beyond this singular triumph. Narkasura's defeat served as another stepping stone, propelling him towards an even greater challenge – a confrontation with Lord Shiva himself, necessitated by the formidable Banasura. This conflict, in turn, paved the way for the birth of Mahakaal, a testament to the ever-shifting balance of the universe.

As Krishna's legend grew, his exploits attracted the attention of the Devas themselves. He played pivotal roles in shaping several key events, and soon, the divine realms opened their doors to him. As a token of appreciation for his service to the universe, Vishnu himself bestowed upon Krishna a magnificent bird of the Garura species.

Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Krishna sought out Vishnu and Brihaspati, eager to unravel the secrets contained within the remaining nine books of the Akashic records. He devoured their teachings, his understanding deepening with each passing day.

However, the allure of the original script, the one that held the key to surpassing even Vishnu, remained an unfulfilled desire. When he expressed this yearning, He was told a higher being took it, That left Krishna confused 'A being higher than Visnu?'. Vishnu, his expression enigmatic, simply stated, "You will meet him, young one when you are ready."

Krishna felt a pang of disappointment, but he recognized that patience was a virtue. The knowledge gleaned from these nine books was already immense. He returned to Earth and shared his newfound wisdom with Ved Vyasa and the seven sages. Together, they compiled the nine books into a single, monumental scripture.

But Krishna's ambitions didn't stop there. He envisioned his sons wielding their own unique divine abilities. So, using the nine books as a foundation, he imparted specific knowledge and skills to each of his sons, effectively transforming them into beings of godly stature.

Finally, the stage was set for the Mahabharata, the epic war that would define the Dwapara Yuga, the Bronze Age. Krishna, a central figure in this grand conflict, stood poised to shape the destiny of the world. This great war was not just a battle between cousins, it was a culmination of Krishna's journey, a testament to his relentless pursuit of power, and perhaps, a step closer to surpassing even the preserver Vishnu.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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