Visit 3 - Date? It's the 22nd.

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"Fucking hate this job." (Y/N) muttered to himself in his room.

I heard him this morning when I was passing by after getting a cup of water. My thoughts of going back to bed were now changed to concern and worry for the man who captured my heart. In the short time that I've had to spend with him I couldn't help but feel pulled towards him. Sure his attitude and the way we first met are interesting, but he is the same person that I met in my dreams. I'm sure Akeno feels the same way and I know any others that Charlie bring will feel the same so I have to accept that there will be multiple people after his heart.

He opened the door to his room startling me a bit and turned towards the front door when he suddenly looked at me.

"Still not dreaming." He yawned as he spoke.

"(Y/N), I want to ask you something." I clutched my chest with my hand.

Yawning once more he answered me. "What's up?"

Now or never Rias. I thought.

"Will you go on a date with me?" I waited with baited breath for an answer.

It was quiet for a few moments before he stretched, checked his phone and spoke. "22nd."

He turned towards the front door and left to go to work.

I did it. I did it! I got a date with (Y/N)! I was ecstatic!

Too excited to sleep now I walked back into the room I share with Akeno and went over to my mostly empty suitcase. Opening it as quietly as I could even though Akeno and I had enhanced hearing she didn't wake up. I pulled out an old notebook I had that was filled with date idea that I tried to get the dream version of (Y/N) to go on and failed miserably when doing so. Taking it into the living room and looking through the ideas I had, I realised that a lot of them might not be possible with his financial situation.

I should talk to him about getting a job and about getting into school with him. Something to talk about after our date I suppose.

My brainstorming continued late into the morning as Akeno woke up and began fixing us breakfast not noticing me on the couch. I finally settled on a picnic and double check what day he said our date was. Opening my phone I saw that he had decided on today. I think I can work with this. When he gets home I'll ask him to get changed and have already made the food.

"Rias, breakfast is ready!" Akeno called out most likely believing I was in the bathroom.\

"I'm right here Akeno." I placed my phone and notebook on the table.

"Oh, sorry I didn't see you." She brought over breakfast which was just some toast, bacon and eggs.

"Thank you for breakfast Akeno." I gave her a smile and began to eat her well made food.

"It's no problem at all Rias. Though, I wish (Y/N) was here to eat them." She a little sad that *Y/N) wasn't here and if I had to be honest I was as well.

We ate in silence just watching something random on the T.V. It was a nice morning that we had gotten sort of used to. After we finished eating we did the dishes and sat back down to figure out our day. 

"So." Akeno began. "What are your plans for the day?"

I had a very smug smile on my face as I looked at her. "I'll have you know that I have a date with (Y/N) later today."

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