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Hi again! This is the sequel for Our Own Story, it's crazy, silly, and full of OC's!! This one is for Elien_123456

We start Irina's pov, yk, like before :)

It was morning. The light entering our little shelter on the mountain, which was uncomfortable and old, but it was ours after all. Jackson, Kai and I shared this shelter in the Lost World.

I was barely awake, I loved to sleep but just in the morning. Kai was already doing her stuff, she had kept a laser from Gene, I'm not sure if she stole it or what. Jackson was singing to the birds because yes. As Ruby was not here anymore he had no one else to sing for (he could have done it for us but it would have been too weird).

The thing is I got up and put my hair in order. It was all messed from last night.

The Super 4 and us were distant, they barely visited the Lost World, and when they did it was almost never to see us.

Four months had passed from our last adventure. All of this time we had been alone there. Our life was not exactly boring, but not interesting at all.

Anyway, that day went different.

We decided to go for a walk. I went without shoes because I had lost one in our "fight" against Rexy and the other one I didn't remember where I left it before entering the water the day of the lobster. Kai left the half of her boot at the shelter. She had lost a half because of the furios (that's how Twinkle had named the creatures that looked like Alien but were his enemies when they came once) and a whole boot because of Rexy's friends. Jackson was the only one wearing shoes as usual.

We saw something moving in our way. For a moment I thought it was Alien, but... it couldn't be.

The thing hid behind a bush, which started moving.

"I'll go and see" Jackson said.

He came closer.


He came back running.

"It bit me!"

"Oh, Jackson, you're a crybaby"

"No I'm not-"

I went to see the bush. It looked quite like Alien, but it was... purple. A furio.


I did not know what to do. Like... a furio...



"Come here"

She came. She took the furio and went away.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"Kidnapping it"

Yes. My psychopath friend. Kidnapping someone. How not.

The thing didn't resist. Weird...


"How do we call her?"

"No idea"

"Looks quite like Alien, but..."

"Maybe Elien?"

"Elien then"

"Hi Elien!!"

"Shui eshthei tishuuu"

"I'll take that as a "hi""

Please don't judge me trying to invent the furios and mysterios' language

I know this was short but well... I can't think rn...

Now that we're back with this, thanks to everyone that signed up, and I'll be back!

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