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Rock Brock helped us going out of the island, as he knew a cave that could let us to a forest from the Enchanted Island, that somehow was connected to that.

"It's the actual grey magic what made it... well, the combination of black magic and white magic... you know..." he explained.

Magic. Illogical. But I remembered our last adventure. And maybe it was... possible?

The thing is we entered the cave and went to the Enchanted Island. Then we crossed it on foot, Kai had her half of the boot in her hand, and the laser in the other one.

That's when I noticed that Jackson hadn't got a sword, so I decided to ask him.

"And... don't you have a sword, Jackson?"

"I once had one, I was trained to become a knight, but... I accidentally cut a damsel's hair on my first lesson with sword... and now I don't have one anymore... they said it was too... dangerous"

"They were right" Ana said, trying to annoy him.

During that trip I learned a lot from our new friends. Rock Brock was stupid, messy and sang a lot. He didn't stop singing his own introduction song "Rock Brock! Magnificent action hero!...". In the other hand, Ana was chaos itself, and seemed to like teasing people just for fun. I actually liked her, she was so funny. Yet she didn't seem to like Jackson. Maybe he was too... Jackson for her. Jackson is hard to describe in a single word. He's messy. He's a disaster. He's... Jackson.

Our little friend, Elien, just liked to mess around in a cute way. She sneezed once. It was a light, soft sound... and cute too. Too cute to be a furio, but that's what she was.

We took about two hours to reach the bridge that connected Kingsland with the Enchanted Island. I knew where to go: the forest where four months ago I had left my vehicle. Rock Brock hadn't brought his vehicle, which was old for me, as a Technopolian.

We didn't take long to reach the exact place, even though we were going there walking. I entered it to check if it was ready to leave, maybe to go to Technopolis. It had enough fuel, it was the perfect time...

But no, Jackson wanted to visit his dad to make him know what "he had done", just to make him proud of his son for once.

Kai was tired, we had woken up SUUUPER early, but she kept going. Jackson and Rock started singing together.

We soon reached the castle and saw the old king (yes I'm calling everything and everyone old and no one's stopping me).

Ana came closer to me, as everyone else was distracted, just to talk.

"How do I make him shut up?" she asked.


"How do I make Jackson shut up? You have to know how to do it, you know him... OR DO I JUST PUNCH HIM?" At these last words, Ana's expression became excited.


And now, don't ask me why but the king let us stay the night there too, without listeing to Sir Gareth, who was complaining.

When the king finished talking we all left to search Jackson's father and talk to him.

We walked through the corridor, I did it without shoes; Rock Brock singing his song; Jackson smiling, proud of himself; Kai grabbing her half of the boot, Ana making fun of Rock, telling us about the time he did this or that.

One of the funniest experiences I had ever lived. Ana's chaos was hilarious, I thought I was going to die from laughter. She told us about the time a lobster stole Rock's hat. The moment when a lobster got stuck on Jackson's foot came to my memory, and I realised how similar he was to Rock. Both silly. Both messy. Both loved singing. One was four years older than the other, but... both were a complete disaster.

As we were walking, Jackson started to sing happily. He was walking behind Kai, so she took the opportunity to move her foot backwards, thinking he would trip and fall, but instead he started dancingand avoided it, so the one that tripped was me. I fell, and they all turned back. I was on the ground, laughing.


"You tripped".

"Because of you".

"It's not my fault, I wanted to make Jackson fall".



Then our own silliness made us all laugh. I got up and continued walking until we reached the courtyard. The knights were training there. One of them recognized our friend.



This was a longer one, the next one is shorter but please don't mind...


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