jeon jungkook

34 4 2

No" Help me please... ... ... someone help .. please... ... . please "

Bathed in the ethereal glow of the early morning light filtering through the curtains, he found himself once again at the mercy of haunting dreams. Bare body slick with perspiration, he lay on the bed, his grip on the soft mattress tightening with each vivid nightmare that plagued his slumber. With eyes squeezed shut, he thrashed against the invisible chains of his subconscious, desperate to break free from the grip of his troubled mind.

Abruptly, his dark charcoal orbs snapped open, revealing a gaze that seemed to penetrate the very depths of his soul. His vision fixated on the polished white wall before him, yet his mind remained ensnared by the memory of the woman from his dreams. Her cries for help echoed relentlessly in his ears, her tear-stained face etched into his consciousness like an indelible mark.

As he rose from the bed, his bare upper body glistened under the soft yellow light, each sinewy muscle flexing in silent agony. With a heavy sigh, he rested his head against the headboard, the weight of his troubled thoughts pressing down upon him like a suffocating blanket.

In the dimly lit room, he found himself drawn to the small clock on the bedside table, its hands ticking away the minutes until dawn. It was 5 in the morning, yet sleep remained a distant dream, elusive and unattainable.

With resolve, he abandoned his bed and made his way to the one room that held the key to his innermost secrets. The door creaked open, revealing a space that bore witness to his triumphs and failures alike. As he flicked on the lights, the room was bathed in a stark, unforgiving brightness, illuminating the relics of his past and the shadows of his present.

As the man entered the room, he was enveloped by a kaleidoscope of colors and images that adorned the walls. Paintings and sketches adorned every corner, each one a testament to his talent and dedication. His artwork breathed life into inanimate objects, transforming them into breathtaking masterpieces. He was an artist, renowned and highly sought after, with each stroke of his brush worth millions.

Surveying the room, he felt a sense of calm wash over him. This sanctuary was his refuge from the loneliness that often plagued him. Walking among the vibrant hues and swirling canvases, he found himself drawn to a particular spot adorned with buckets of paint and an array of brushes. With practiced ease, he selected a brush and approached a blank white canvas, ready to bring his vision to life.

Closing his eyes, he allowed the memory of his recent dream to flood his mind. The images were vivid, each detail etched into his consciousness with startling clarity. Without conscious thought, his hand began to move across the canvas, translating the scenes from his dreams into tangible form.

For half an hour, he worked in a trance-like state, his movements guided by an unseen force. When he finally stopped, he stepped back to admire his creation. But this painting was different from the others. Instead of serene landscapes or vibrant portraits, it depicted a woman trapped in the grip of menacing hands. The anguish etched on her face was palpable, her tear-stained cheeks mirroring the pain in her eyes.

This wasn't the first time he had painted her. In fact, she had become a recurring subject in his work, each painting a reflection of the turmoil he witnessed in his dreams. As he gazed at the tear cascading down her cheek, he felt a pang of unease. Why did her suffering affect him so deeply? Why did her cries for help haunt him even in his waking hours?

With a clenched jaw, he covered the painting with a white cloth, obscuring the woman's pain from view. Turning away, he left the room, the weight of her sorrow heavy on his mind.


The auction venue exuded an air of opulence and sophistication, with ornate chandeliers casting a warm glow over the elegant space. The walls were adorned with a breathtaking display of paintings, each one a masterpiece in its own right. People circulated throughout the room, their eyes alight with fascination as they admired the stunning artwork on display.

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