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Clad in a delicate blue floral knee-length dress, Grace stood in solemn reverence before the statue of Jesus, her hands clasped together in prayer. The intricate patterns of the stained glass windows bathed the sanctuary in a kaleidoscope of colors, casting ethereal hues across the ancient stone walls. The soft sunlight filtering through the panes lent an angelic glow to Grace's features, illuminating her face with a radiant warmth.

As she whispered her prayers with unwavering devotion, her long lashes created delicate shadows upon her cheeks, adding to the mesmerizing beauty of the moment. With each whispered word, her heart poured forth its deepest desires, her voice blending seamlessly with the hallowed stillness of the church.

"Oh God, please bless my brother with your divine grace,"

 Grace murmured, her voice barely above a whisper yet filled with an earnest plea. 

"Grant him the strength and wisdom to succeed in his exams, to achieve his dreams, and to walk in the path of righteousness."

Beside her, her younger brother, Aston stood with a knowing smile, his eyes twinkling with affectionate amusement at his sister's heartfelt supplication. Though he found her innocence endearing, he couldn't help but chuckle softly at her naive nature.

"Always the optimist, aren't you, Grace?" 

he teased, his voice barely audible above the rustle of their surroundings. 

"But hey, I guess every little bit helps, right?"

Grace shot him a playful glare, her lips curving into a gentle smile despite herself. 

"You never know, Aston " 

she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of mischief.

 "Sometimes, miracles do happen."

As Grace and Aston stepped out of the church, the vibrant world outside greeted them with open arms. The calm, joyful weather seemed to mirror their spirits as they strolled down the bustling street, the cold breeze adding a refreshing touch to the atmosphere.

Grace's eyes twinkled with contentment as she took in the sights and sounds of the city, her heart still brimming with the peace she had found within the sanctuary. Aston , on the other hand, couldn't help but grumble about being late for school, blaming Grace for dragging him along to the church against his will.

"Grace, seriously, I'm going to be late," 

Aston complained, casting a sideways glance at his sister.

 "You know I have that test today, right?"

Grace chuckled softly, shaking her head in amusement.

 "Oh, Aston  it's just five minutes out of your busy schedule,"

 she replied, her voice gentle yet firm. 

"Surely, you can spare a moment to offer a prayer or two."

"But I'm not like you, Grace," 

Aston retorted, his tone tinged with exasperation.

 "I don't believe in all that religious stuff. I believe in myself and my own abilities."

Grace regarded her brother with a fond smile, a glint of understanding in her eyes. 

"I know, Aston ,"

 she said softly, her voice carrying the wisdom of someone who had pondered such questions deeply. 

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