Tokyo, Japan: February 13, 2023

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News reporters were at the scene, families were cheering, government officials wanted to hear everything, all as Godzilla pulled up to Japan. She hadn't been gone for very long. The people were clearly excited to see Godzilla come home, but they were modified when they saw she'd brought back King Kong with her. And rightfully so.

Godzilla and King Kong started with Tokyo. Godzilla used her odorous queefs to knock the city unconscious while King Kong used his monstrous cock to knock every building in front of him to the ground. In a matter of hours, the entire city of Tokyo was in rubble. This was the new Nagasaki, but this time, there was no atomic bomb.

Godzilla and King Kong then trekked southward, demolishing every city and village in front of them. After they had tackled the south, they went north. The Red Cross had come in to try and stop their action, but it was no use. With Godzilla and Kong, nothing could be done to stop them.

That, after all, is the power of teamwork, which Godzilla and King Kong learned so well.


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