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Today was our first day off in the week. It was a Saturday, and we all got weekends off. Let me quickly explain my week to you all. I had Foreign Languages twice and Literature once on Monday, Literature twice on Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays were free and then Literarture once on Fridays. Becuase I currently don't take 3 subjects, I have lots of free time. My hours also varied, but all lectures lasted 2 hours. I am meant to do 20 hours minimum of learning, but I currently only do 12. 

I would have spent the whole weekend studying if Wonyoung, Sana, Momo and Mina didn't plan an all girls date for us to go on. Despite Hanni and Yunjin's cautions, me and Wonyoung spent this week really bonding with the three Japanese girls. We learnt so much about their culture, things I couldn't begin to imagine us doing here in Korea. We all wore semi-matching outifts, pastel tops with blue jeans and white trainers. We had planned to have a colour analysis taken, get our hair cut and dyed, nails done, eyebrows plucked and a piercing each. I had 6 peircings in each ear already, and really wanted a lip piercing, and I finally convinced my mother to let me dye my hair. 

She was never strict on my brothers, letting Sunoo dye his hair every month or so. Sunghoon literally lived in either Japan, China or Thailand his whole life, visiting Korea up to 5 times a year, yet she wouldn't let me enroll in a Uni in the capital city of the country she literally lived in. 

"For once, Y/N, can you think about your brothers? They already have carrers, they have carrers that means they need extra attention. Stop making it about yourself." 

I stood facing the wall, hands on my head. It was my punishment, for asking too much of my mother again. I knew better than to argue with her, new better than to tell her how I felt. I'm only 7 years old, but she hated me, treated me like an adult. "Think about your brothers Y/N. You can make dinner tonight, and do the dishes. I don't have enough time to fuel your music fantasies. Your brothers are in the public eye, don't be greedy. Stick to your books Y/N. At least make me want to be proud to have you as my daughter."

"What colour are you thinking of dying your hair?"

Wonyoung was the only one out of all of us who understood colour theory, and she already knew she was going to dye her hair blonde. I could see blonde really suiting her, and she wanted to give her bangs a trim. Sana wanted to go orange, which angered Yunjin. This meant Yunjin dyed her hair a wine red in our dorm at 3 am, but it suited her more than the orange did. Mina wanted to go from purple to a black bob, as she hadn't seen her natural hair in over 4 years. Momo wanted to change her dark brown hair to a lighter brown with blonde highlights.

As I have always wanted to dye my hair, I knew immedietly that I wanted to have the oreo hairstyle, with bangs, and layers. A wolf cut or mullet to be exact. My hair has always been long and I needed a big change. And a short wold cut sounded like the change I needed. We got to the hair salon in under 20 minutes, all talking about how we wanted our new hair, what nail designs we planned on getting. We even contimplated getting tattoos, another thing I really wanted to do. The salon was empty, and we were all able to get in at the same time. Sana and Wonyoung's hair took a lot quicker to do then mine, Momo and Mina's, meaning I was stuck with them for a while. The other two went to order some food from the resturant across the road, and we should be done by the time the fresh food was made.

"So Y/N, how's Niki?" 

I couldn't stop my face from going a beetroot red in time, as Momo's question caught me off guard. I thought it was a strictly 'just girls, forget about the guys for one day' 'type of trip, but clearly I was wrong. We haven't even been out for an hour yet. "Guys there's nothing going on between me and Niki. We are literally just friends."

Even though she couldn't shake her head in dissaproval of my awnser, I could tell Mina was dissapointed. "Do you like him at least? And you can't use the same excuse becuase you've known him for a week now, and you two seem closer than you did a couple days ago." 

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