We Have To (Fight)?

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Rockey wakes up to a slap from his little sister, all 4 of her hands stinging on his body. He groans in pain and scrambles toward his sister with a smile full of malice. He picks her up and throws her on their parent's bed frightening her enough to give him time to get to the bathroom. He brushes his teeth, washes his face, and applies his facemask. He peeks out of the door for his sister, he doesn't spot her so he thinks he is safe and walks out. Just before he can step in his room his sister jumps out at him nearly knocking him down. "You're so dumb," Rockey says as he lifts her over his shoulder this time slamming her on the bed as he goes to change. Feeling refreshed he raced around the house collecting the things he needed to leave. Before he leaves he says goodbye to the web of parents, aunts, and uncles who he calls family. He raced out of the door at lightspeed to catch one of the automatic cars racing through the streets.

He arrived at school and burst into the building with a big smile on his face. There wasn't any specific reason for him to be happy but there wasn't a reason for him to be sad either so he picked his favorite of the two. Usually, he kept this attitude through all classes but math which he despised more than anything else but today he was lucky just before math started there was an announcement for every student of all grades to go to the auditorium immediately. He practically skipped there his smile still beaming, unlike others who seemed to have been pulled from more interesting things to come here like Zelda. He looked like someone just dragged him out of bed. 'that's rude Rockey' He heard his mother scolding him in his head but she was right he shouldn't be talking about people he doesn't know. He sat down towards the front since he was one of the first people there.

Axel walks up to the podium and begins her segment. "I am sure all of you are confused and maybe even scared about the recent news of war. I can guarantee that no one who stays here will be harmed. The humans are for lack of a better word incompetent. We are here to simply recruit more soldiers for this up-and-coming war, some of your peers have already applied of their own volition so this opportunity is for the rest of you who are willing to serve your planet. Anyone sure that they don't want to is authorized to leave immediately." Axel almost felt bad about lying but that was the only way to keep her job. Only a few dozen students remained after her speech which was slightly disheartening and with the revoking of the other boy's papers numbers were dwindling. There were a few premature applicants like Geia and Zelda those two kids were something else, but the rest of them were strangers.

"There was a boy from this school who decided to register early and fled when news of the war came about, so before any one of you grab a slip you need to know that there are no more takebacks or redoes if your hand touches this paper you are a soldier. We need at least one of you to step up or that boy from earlier turns into a soldier unwillingly." More kids left until there was one girl who walked up and grabbed a slip.

Axel let out a sigh of relief as she reached her quota for this district. "That needs to be fully signed by the end of the day, and if I may ask, what is your name?" The girl turned to face Axel.

"Energy Daye and I am only doing this because she is." Energy's eyes land on Geia Noble.

How did you all like this chapter cluster? The next one is at 2 PM next Saturday!

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