Start The (Count Down)

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Trucks began to fill the Hexagon as more and more people showed up for the scheduled tour. Axel had gone all over towns and cities alongside a few other recruiters for able-bodied people, President Zallen found it necessary that younger people would be better to train, so that's what the recruiters looked for. Commander Solar walked out of the building as young people exited the trucks they all lined up and began to follow the Commander everyone in the building stared at the soon-to-be soldiers, some young some old but all scared.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." Energy whispered to Geia. Geia looked up at Energy.

"What'd you tell your dads?" Energy looked at Geia.

"That it wasn't optional.." Geia sighed

"So you lied to them." Energy looked shocked

"Yes, of course I lied, I'm not leaving you to die, is that so wrong?"

"Yes." With that, the pair stopped talking to listen to the Commander. He stopped walking and turned to face a large amount of people, he let out a sigh and then started.

"I know this is scary...and I'm sorry that this wasn't optional for some of you. We did try our best to prevent this." He cleared his throat.

"But it wasn't enough." He turned back around and continued walking everyone made it outside to the back where all the spider power was located there were tanks, trucks, and everything alike in front of them.

"These are state-of-the-art vehicles, basically if they were normal people they'd be able to kill you before you could blink. People stared in fascination at the cars.

"We'll be using these on the battlefield." The Commander guided the crowd back inside.

"We won't be training here we brought you guys here to get familiar with each other and us, we're going to be your family for a long time."

"So you're mad at me for joining?" Energy said grabbing their tray of food, she and Geia found a table and began to eat.

"Yes, I am." Energy stopped eating.

"What'd you tell your parents?" She played with her food as she thought of an answer.

"I'd already signed up and they were no longer letting people back out.." The pair finished their food in silence. Rockey spotted an almost empty table and made his way to it, he quickly sat down some others also made their way to the table looking for alone time. Rockey looked from his meal and across from him sat Zelda and the cheerleading captain.

"Oh my god leave me alone you ass." Zelda chuckled

"I'm looking for a table just like you, you aren't special." Arachne stared in shock.

"Excuse me? you know what fuck you!" She quickly moved down from Zelda landing herself closer to Geia Noble.

"What are you looking at?" Zelda said to Rockey.

"Uh, nothing just looking." Rockey gave a sheepish smile. Geia and Energy looked at the girl in confusion.

"What?" She said after taking a bite of her food.

"Surprised to see you here." Arachne finished eating.

"I came for my little brother mind your business." Energy and Geia stared at each other realizing Arachne's slightly kinder than she let on.

"So no more basketball?" Rockey said looking up from his tray.

"I'm sorry are you trying to start small talk with me?" Rockey stuttered.

"Uh I guess-" Zelda contorted his face in disgust

"Ew, no don't ." And with that, the boys ate in silence. At a different table sat a girl the table was filled with people but she still felt a ping of loneliness, she saw the girl who regularly glared at her in class and wished they were friends right about now. Why hadn't they been anyway? they were both quick learners and always got their work done quickly it was sure that they could have found something in common, but that'll never be a thing now. Soon there won't be any free time to think let alone form bonds.

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