Chapter 83: The Approach

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The ground was a bit slippery here, with the collapsed debris of the old ruin forming a slope of loose scree. Even though the creatures were hidden out of sight, she could sense the minds of the nearest group tucked away in some pockets along that slope. Negotiating that treacherous scree path would have been distracting to anyone else, but as Callyndia channeled her mother's magic, her feet barely touched the ground anyway. She walked gently and effortless over the loose pebbles, her fairy feet gliding over the surface and her face up and nonthreatening as the first of those odd hybrid creatures begain to appear from out of their hiding spaces.

She wasn't entirely sure what the best approach would be. She doubted that she could seduce them, the way she could seduce a human man; but spirits tended to respond to other aspects of nymph charms. She would just have to feel her way through it.

They looked vaguely human, but there was something odd about them. It was as if, every time she looked at them, her eyes slid involuntarily away; or their appearance was wiped completely from her mind each time she looked away from them. Whatever it was, the creatures' faces seemed to elude and unsettle Callyndia's mind.

But their minds were clearly visible to hers. She knew her plan would work. It had to work.

She let the web of her magic flow before her as she strode confidently over the scree and into the midst of the nearest group, who were apparently standing watch. They bristled at her appearance before them, but she smiled sweetly and nonthreateningly at them. "Hello," she said to them, making a point of looking at each of them in turn, "I'm here to see Abdus Garrafey. I think he's expecting me."

Even as she spoke, her nymph charms were weaving their spell and prodding these strange creatures' spiritual auras for entry points.

The creatures turned to look at her, then looked at each other. Intangible blades of flame and shadow seemed to grow from some of their hands, and they exchanged quizzical glances among themselves. They didn't speak, but she could feel thoughts and words move between their minds, as if they were holding a silent conversation in the Spirit Tongue. She could tell they were wary of her. They'd even been warned about her, and they at first seemed unwilling to hear her or oblige her request for an audience.

She didn't let them know that she could understand them, but she simply waited politely as they discussed their thoughts and intentions. They gathered menacingly around her, more blades growing from hands. She maintained her sweet expression and let a finger of magic waft towards each of their weird minds.

Their minds were weak, and not at all fortified against her. Definitely not fairy minds. She easily found routes into those unfortified minds, and felt each mind gradually soften at her magical touch as she wove her enchantments through them.

As the conversation progressed and her magic subtly bore deeper and deeper into their minds, their conversation points among themselves became less hostile and more receptive to her. She wasn't dangerous: she was beautiful, she was interesting, she was here for a good reason, and Master Garrafey would certainly want to see her. Exactly what she wanted them to think.

Then, from nearby, another group of the creatures approached. Some of their thoughts raised the same concerns about her, recognized her as unwanted. But Callyndia easily pivoted and patiently stretched out with her magic toward each newcomer, gradually bringing them into harmony with the ones in her group. It was easier this time, because a chorus of supportive minds were now singing her praises.

It took a little longer than she'd hoped, but she soon had collected over a dozen such creatures into a small mob of admirers, who had all resolved that they would lead her together to Abdus Garrafey, who would certainly want to meet this remarkable visitor.

There was a touch of discomfort in Callyndia's mind. Enchantress! Witch! But she knew it was necessary. She had to find Svenden, and save his life. This was a small price to pay.

The creatures gathered all around her and ushered her into the ruins, and she dutifully followed along with the group. She was already stretching her magical resources quite thin, but she could spare one little tentacle of magic to reach back and give Leofric and Kithana their signal.

She kept a calm smile on her face as they led her past some of the ruins, but deep inside she was nervous. She wasn't sure she wanted to know what had happened to Svenden, and she wasn't anxious to see what state he was in now.

But she did want to see him. She could still feel his last kiss lingering on her lips, and she longed to renew that feeling again. At least one more time.

A voice sounded in her ear, from the whisper blossom. "What are you doing, Callyndia?" her mother asked softly, with an edge of concern in her voice.

Callyndia held her breath for a moment. "Mother?" she whispered softly, her voice being carried away quietly by the whisper blossom, "Are you... watching me?"

"Yes, dear," her mother responded, "Now, what do you think you're doing? What's your plan here?"

Callyndia almost felt like crying with relief. "Well, if you can watch me, does that mean you can help?" Callyndia asked, "Can you lend me some of your magic?"

"No, dear," Alloria Rosa responded gently, "I don't have enough magic for that. Even watching is already very difficult. But I hope you know what you're doing."

Callyndia tried to swallow her disappointment. Of course her mother couldn't simply rescue her now: she'd have to do it herself. "I'm going to save Svenden," she replied with as much cold determination as she could muster.

"And how are you going to do that?" Alloria Rosa asked.

"In any way I can," she replied.

"Don't do anything foolish, dear," her mother said, "I care too much about you."

"I love him, Mother," she replied, "I'll do whatever it takes."

"That's what I'm afraid of," her mother replied, "Promise me you won't do anything foolish."

"I already have, Mother," Callyndia said, "Now leave me alone. I'm almost there."

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