19 - Winning -

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[Edgar POV]

No way. I actually won. I walked toward one of the gates and crashed into two people. How. I-how? "Edgar!" Someone grabbed me and hugged me fiercely. Colette. 

"Great job, Edgar." Fang smiled, eating a bucket of popcorn.

"Excuse me? Are you Edgar?" The blonde lady asked kindly.

"Yeah. That's me." I smiled nervously.

"Great! Follow me please! You two may go back to your seats, I'll escort him to you later." Fang and Colette nodded, waving at me. "I'm Piper. Congrats on becoming a brawler, it's not an easy task. We still have a few more games, and we're going to gather the winners of them in our head quarters to make it all official." I followed Piper to a golden room.

"Firstly, you can pick your mastery title, maybe one that describes you the best."

"Umm. I have no idea."

"What about CEO of Brawl Stars, suits you kinda." Piper suggested. I nodded "Wait, woah. You all ready know how to level up and get gadgets?"

"Yeah, Fang told me."

"Hmm, well, to earn some of those things we reward people with Starr Drops if they win. Soooo, here!" Piper handed me this smiley star thing.

"What is this?" I pressed it and it flashed turning blue.

"Keep on pressing it." Piper urged, smiling. I pressed it and it turned red. "Woah. Mythic. One more. Come on." I pressed it again and it suddenly flashed with golden light so bright, it knocked me back a step. "LEGENDARY!?" She gasped. "Lucky!! Legendary is the rarest one ever!"

I took a deep breath and pressed it. "OW!" Dust coated me and I coughed on my blue shirt. Blue. I don't wear blue.

"Woah. Woah. Edgar, check yourself out." Piper handed me a mirror while gawping at me. I glanced in the mirror and gasped. Is that... blue hair? WHERE'S MY EYES? I grabbed at my face in shock. "Blackbird Edgar." She decided, while taking a good look at me.

When the other brawlers had arrived, we were given the official welcome from the first ever brawler, Shelly.

Piper brought me back to Colette and Fang who were talking nervously. "Ah, Colette and Fang? Edgar." Piper smiled and pointed to me.

"Uh. Are you sure that's Edgar?" Colette asked, glancing at my hair. "Cause I know that Edgar doesn't wear anything but black." She said, glancing at me again. "And he's blue all over."

"Wait." Fang cut in. "That's not a skin, is it?" Fang was about to laugh as Piper nodded.

"...what..." Colette glanced at me one more time. "Who made you get into that?"

"It was from this uhh, Starr drop thing." I explained.

"Oh. Legendary Starr drop." Fang thought.

"Yeah. That."

"Congrats Edgar! You're a brawler!" Colette smiled happily. "Now I need to make a page on you." She grabbed her scrapbook and turned to a new page and instantly wrote 'Edgar' on it.

"Oh." Fang suddenly murmured.

"Hmm?" I asked, glancing at where he was staring at.

"It's her."

"Who?" Colette pressed.

"The girl I like." Fang answered, still staring. "Janet." Oh. Her. The pink haired girl across the stadium, walking toward them.

"Edgar. Signature." She pointed to a small space on her scrapbook and she leaned against me. My face flushed as I wrote my name in there, glancing at what else she had written.

Sweetest boyfriend ever! So nice, and his skin makes him look so cool! Is what she had written. "Here." I handed it back and Colette smiled, continuing to lean on me. I turned away, my face obviously red.

"Congratulations on our new, strong brawler, EDGAR!" A spotlight flashed on me and I managed to look confident as everyone stared in amazement, a few girls near by were blushing more than me and often nudging themselves closer.

"I guess I'll have to do some more training then." I declared, glancing at my shoes.

"Not always, some brawlers choose not to practice that much." Fang told me.

"That kinda like-"

"Hey. You're Edgar right? The new brawler?" I glanced up. The girls. They were all fidgeting shyly. One girl shoved Colette aside just to glance at me.

"Yeah." I said grimly as Colette tried to move back, only failing.

"You're so cute, you know?" One of the girls reached out to touch my face and I slapped them. "You deserve better. Not an ugly white haired old lady who isn't even nice." The girls bumped Colette rudely. "You need one of us."

"Hands off my girlfriend." I hissed, my scarf poised, ready to attack.

"Oh. Will you really attack us?" They asked, smirking.

"Yes." I said firmly.

"Edgar! Behind!" Fang yelled. It was too late. One of the girls reached out and her lips grazed my cheeks. I gasped and my scarf grabbed her, yeeting her away. The girls gasped, in shock and fear.

"Get the f*uck away." I. growled, my scarf reaching out to grab another.

"Urgh. Boys these days."

"Especially emo ones, like ew."

"Ignore them Edgar." Fang told me.

"Colette. Colette?" I heard little sniffles and I held her in my arms, stroking her hair and moving my fingers on her back in a swirly action. "Colette. It's okay. I'm here. Tell me what's wrong, fluff ball." I touched her cheeks and she sniffled more.

"N-no. It's okay, I'm just overreacting." Colette told me, turning away, but I grabbed her and pulled her closer.

"Don't worry Colette, you're not ugly, you're not old, you're pretty and beautiful. Those girls are menaces, think of them as rocks that you can kick down a cliff. Easy to remove of."

"You're right Edgar. I've got to be stronger than this." She said sadly, sitting back up and holding her scrapbook in a determined way.

"Then... let's take on the world together."

~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~

Almost 20 chapters yaaayyy!! im sorry for the cringey ending. D: Edgar's soon going to work in the gift shop and who knows what will happen. maybe I shouldn't have picked blackbird Edgar as his skin. idk. anyways. bye bye!!! <33333333333 sorry for not posting yesterday. I have assessments coming up, so I might not for a few days. idk. have to see.

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