PHANTOM BLOOD || The arrival.

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1800's, The Joestar's Mansion.

What seemed like a normal day for the young Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando would turn to be one of the weirdest days in their lives, due to the sudden appearance of a weird man that said that he suddenly woke up in this place and that he didn't know where he was. Confused about such situation, JoJo decided to interrogate the man, while Dio didn't buy his story and didn't speak at all, just giving the stranger a scowl.

So, sir, could you repeat what happened to you that led you to end up here, please?” Jonathan asked the man politely, wanting to help the stranger that seemingly got lost to go back to... wherever he came from.

"Well, you see. I was just in my house doing whatever until suddenly I felt really dizzy and lost my consciousness. When I woke up, I was laid down on the grass near to a river. I stood up and came here for some help, so, uhh... First, could you tell me where am I and what year this is?” The stranger asked, looking around with some confusion as he waited for an answer.

“Oh, we're in year 1887, sir, and this is England!” JoJo said in a friendly tone of voice, giving the man a small smile.

The stranger's eyes widened, seemingly rather surprised by the answer that the young man gave him.

England? 1887? Are you playing with me?” He asked JoJo with some uncertainty in his voice, not believing his words.

Huh? No, I'm not. Is something wrong with that date?” JoJo said while raising an eyebrow, confused by the man's words.

"Well, ehh, I...” The man pauses for a moment, scratching the back of his neck while chuckling awkwardly.

“... I come from year 2024, y'know. I'm not even born yet.” The stranger continued, still with that somewhat awkward manner.

While Jonathan looked surprised by the revelation, Dio suddenly decided to intervene in the conversation, speaking in a tone full of suspicion, still not believing the man.

You really think we're gonna believe your shitty story? 'Ohh, I suddenly woke up in 1887, I'm not supposed to be even born!' Seriously? Don't you have anything better than this?” Dio uttered, mimicking the man mockingly.

Wait, I can prove it!” The man said, searching through the pockets of his clothes until he suddenly took out something: a modern phone. "This is one of the things we have in the figure. A mobile phone. It's very useful, and you can do a lot of things with it rather than just calling. You can search things on the Internet, play games..." The man said while turning on his phone, showing the young men the different apps in it and the things they could do.

Dio ate his own words, both him and JoJo being taken aback by the object. Maybe this man's story was true after all, and while Dio didn't like it and wouldn't say it, he started to find the stranger a bit more interesting. Meanwhile, JoJo just looked in awe at the phone, imagining what kinds of things this person from the future would have in his timeline.

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