03 - mr. badboy

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As the day went on, Hyunjin began to get a good feeling about this school.

Sure they had their flaws, but the group or shall I say 'the cuties' are actually one of the nicest people there. Minus the incident with Jeongin.

The day ended rather quickly than he expected, as he was on his way home from school.

He had told Yeji all about his day, and she couldn't be any more thrilled to know that Hyunjin had made some friends.

"Yeji, can I ask you for a favor?" Hyunjin said, tip toeing to his sister.

"Yes, Hyunjin?" She said, sighing.

"Could you please drive me over to Felix's house tonight? I promise it's just for tonight."

"Hmm, I don't know. What am I going to get out of this?"

"I-I'll do your chores for a week! I buy your school lunch for a week! Anything, please~" Hyunjin got down on his knees.

"Alright, Alright. But just this once. And I will be letting mom know about this, so you're not off the hook that easy."

Hyunjin squealed, and ran to his room to text Jisung and Felix.



jinnie 🎀💍:
I'll be there at 7! Yeji said yes.

hannie 🐿️💘:
yes! see you at 7, xo

lixie 🐥💘:
see you at 7, don't forget the adress is
91400 Stayville street.

jinnie 🎀💍:
yep! I remember it.


The black haired boy, quickly put on his sneakers, and threw on an oversized jacket.

"Yeji! I'm ready."

"Coming! Go get in the car!"

Hyunjin grabbed her car keys and opened the doors, hoping inside, cracking his fingers the longer Yeji made him wait.

He couldn't help but be excited, this was the first time that someone had ever invited him over, and on the first day?

Yeji soon joined him in the car, starting up the car before pulling off.

"Where does this kid live again?"

"91400 Stayville street." Hyunjin giggled.

"Oh, so right around the corner? That's not to bad."

The ride was pretty short, as soon as Yeji parked the car, Hyunjin jumped out, racing to the door.

"Hyun! Oh my gosh you actually made it! Come on, we're upstairs."

"Felix! Who's at the door?" Mrs. Lee yelled.

"No one mom." He yelled back, pulling Hyunjin in before waving Yeji a goodbye.

Felix grabbed his hand, leading him upstairs. When they got in the room, they were greeted with Jisung sitting in a small loft with his guitar.

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